Thursday, November 29, 2007

It's Out - Finally! Attention Age Part Deux

Rich Schefrin has finally released part 2 of his anticipated Attention Age Doctrine, and for right now it's free. I've posted more details on my other blog, Dick Hale's Blog, so go there to view the video, and register to get your free copy.

That's if for now - I just wanted to get this posted.

TTFN - Dick

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

I'm Lazy, You're Lazy, We're All Lazy

I'm not sure if we're all that lazy or not, but if you're doing any kind of Affiliate Internet Marketing (in capital letters) then you're in for a treat. Chris Rempel. who calls himself One Heck of a Lazy Super Affiliate has just released a new book called "Confessions of a Lazy Super Affiliate." But believe me, he ain't lazy, not with the thought he's put into his sales page, which isn't really a sales page at all but a blueprint skinny of his actual book. As Chris says, "The more action you take, the more money you'll make," and he seems to live by that rule. Don't take my word for it, go check out his sales page for "Confessions of a Lazy Super Affiliate" and you'll see what I mean. And if you already know what you're doing, then you can use his sales page as a blueprint and not even buy the book. Now that's a deal. And think about it, if he put that much knowledgeable savvy into the sales page, think what the book must hold. I've already got my copy.

On another front, and speaking of lazy affiliates, Dr. Mike and Eric Louviere's new Lazy Affiliate System is chock full of stuff you can really use to market affiliate products, including the site itself. For those who may be a little confused, the Lazy Affiliate System is the combination of Affiliate Sales Letters and Affiliate Sales Videos, two distinct memberships all rolled into one package! Here's an excerpt from their sales page: "If You Ever Wanted To Make An Absolute Fortune As An Affiliate Marketer - Being As Lazy As You Want To Be - Then This Is Your Luxury-VIP-Ticket To Smashing Success With Passive-Online-Income... Guaranteed!" Uh-Huh! Sounds like hype, but actually it isn't because, I've been on their site, am a member, and they really do deliver on the hype. This membership site is the real deal, and they've got more stuff on Affiliate Marketing coming out all the time. As Ian Mathew would say, you've got to "invest in yourself!" Click Here to read their sales page.

Speaking of Affiliate Sales and Marketing, there are 2 people who wrote the book on this subject.

One is Rosaland Gardner, who I consider the Godmother of Affiliate Marketing. She's been doing it very successfully for many years, and is probably one of the most respected affiliate marketers on the planet. Her book is called the Super Affiliate Handbook, and in it, this latest version for 2007, she talks about Blogging, Market Research, Affiliate Programs, Web Design, Problem Avoidance, and on and on. this should be considered the ultimate reference book on Affiliate Marketing.

Then there's Ewen Chias Secret Affiliate Weapon. Or as you seen it referred to before, SAW. Ewen Chia is probably one of the most successful affiliate marketers around, and to not take advise and mentoring from him is wasteful.

Yes, these are all affiliate links, mostly to Clickbank. If you'd like to review any of the products offered above, just click on the hyperlink. If you decide you'd like to buy from any of those links, I will make an affiliate fee.

But, if you'd like to save some money by buying from your own affiliate code, then read about how to do that from my online article, Saving on Clickbank. I promise, I won't be offended. We're all here to help each other, right?

TTFN - and don't forget to go Fishing in Retirement.
Your Key to Success - Dick

Monday, November 19, 2007

Working on a new Blog

As part of a course I'm taking, and in order to post some examples of stuff that I play around with, or to just ramble on about nothing, I've created a new blog called (of all things) Dick Hale's blog. CIO - or Check it Out.

One of the first entries is about the new Nutronix pay plan, and the post itself tries to explain it a little better than the official explanations, although those were pretty good also. My friend and mentor, Lana Flack, put these thoughts together, so really, if you're at all interested in my new blog, check out the Dick Hale Blog.

Speaking of this new course, Liz Tomey's Website Traffic Training, I'm going to be really busy over the next few weeks concentrating on Liz's course, so these postings may space out a bit. But I will try and keep you all up to date on any tidbits I may come across in the course of taking Liz's course.

Have you seen my new ad site for Automatic Builder? Pretty cool if I do say so myself, and obviously, I do. So jump on over and see for yourself. I call it American Dream, but I realise that's a bit conceited on my part, but so what! It's my site. Anyway, if you do sign up you'll be inserted into my email course about succeeding on the Internet (2nd or 3rd email into the series), which has nothing to do with Automatic Builder. It's just that AB is a good way to build an online business and reap some additional coin if you will. It fits the profile I mention in my flagship site, The Internet Retirement System.

Enough for now - I've got some homework to do, so TTFN, and
I Wish You Enough.

Sunday, November 11, 2007

Time - Where does it go!

I just realized I haven't posted for like 10 days. Wow, what a bummer. I've been meaning to, but time just slipped away what with other projects and all. If you want to see what I've been up to, Frank Salinis from The Traffic Secret has given me a special promotion, and I've been pushing that. Check it out at Your Key to Succeed. Go ahead and sign up and my autorepsonder will send you a really good series on what it takes to market on the internet, along with list building ideas, etc. It's not bad, even if I do say so myself.

So, what else it hot? Besides the aforementioned The Traffic Secret, there's ViralURL with its affiliate cloaking AND list build capabilities. I have been promoting that as well, both on my flagship site, as well as promotional emails to my list builders. By why The Traffic Secret you might ask. Well, until he reaches 2,500 members, Frank is keeping the upgrade price REALLY low to attract attention. And, boy howdy, is he. This is one of the hottest list mailers on the net right now. It really is worth your time to check it out. The Traffic Secret, you'll see what I mean.

This next piece of news is really time limited, so pay attention, because the special ends 9:00 AM this coming Monday, Nov 12th. Kiosk.WS is running a fire sale right now, and it's one of the best I've seen yet. 'Nuff said here, just go Check it out. But if you have no idea what it is that Kiosk.WS does, let Joel Therien, CEO, tell you all about it:
View Joel's Video.

That's it for todays post. Check back often, or use the RSS feed posted in my links section to get notified automatically. I use my Yahoo personalized home page to post the RSS feeds. Works like a champ. TTFN - Dick "The Shagmiser" Hale

Thursday, November 01, 2007

Codrut Turcanu clears up the Mystery

Appropriate for Halloween?
Was it $30,000 in 20 days, or $300 in 20 days? He kept flipping back and forth in his copy, and blog. But he cleared it up. According to Codrut, he "forgot to mention that only 100 newbies will have the chance to participate in the '$30,000 In 20 Days Challenge'. So 100 multiplied by $300 each is $30,000 and that’s why I changed the headline from $300, to $30,000 ...." OK - I'm now cleared up, how 'bout you? Read his entire post here: then comment, and/or sign up to be on the inside track when he does release his program. This is not an affiliate link or anything like that, just an FYI for all you newbies out there so you can check it out for yourself.

Traffic Secrets(?)
Frank Salinas has a new traffic generating script just out - What makes this site so different and such a secret? Members - can post their ads more often and get paid bigger commissions compared to the rest -and have the chance to earn residual income. You can earn up to 100% commissions residually every month PLUS up to 50% commissions on all of your referrals' credit purchases. That's huge! It is definately worth checking out -