Our good buddies over at Combustion Media just released their new site at Combustion Media.Net. The site is totally Flash, and really is quite amazing. You really have to click on over there and check out their animation, and store fly overs. And feel free to comment on the site via this blog entry, and I'll make sure they get any and all comments. They really would like the feedback.
I've been doing some website and database maintenance for our amigos over at the Dallas Dinner Table, which is now slated for March 19th this year. If you'd like to know more about this very worthwhile organization, read all about it at our newly updated website, the Dallas Dinner table.Com.
And where would I be if I didn't mention at least one promotional item. Actually, I've talked about it before (on my Beachmiser Blog), and it has to do with not letting your brain atrophy and wither away. It must be exercised, to delay the onset of Alzheimer's and just plain old mental laziness. What's the old adage, use it or lose it? Well use it, and we've found a site to help you do just that. it's called My Brain Trainer. Check it out.