Thursday, December 10, 2009

Be SMART in 2010

OK, here we go again, looking out for the near future. One of my IM teachers just came out with some pretty good stuff for 2010, and I just thought I'd share it with you:

"With 2010 almost upon us, it is time to set out our goals for the coming year - but make sure the goals you set for yourself are really SMART ones.

"SMART goals are the only kind that you should set for yourself. SMART is an acronym for
  • Specific
  • Measurable
  • Action-oriented
  • Realistic
  • Timely.
"Briefly, that means that every goal you set yourself should be measured against that list of concepts.

"If the goal isn't specific, you won't know if you've hit it. 'Be more successful' is too vague. Instead, define what success means in the area you have chosen.

"Unless a goal has a measurable result it is just a wish. 'Make more money' isn't measurable. 'Make $100,000 by January 1st' is very measurable - on January 2nd you'll know for sure!

"Actions are far more effective than aims. For example, 'Impress the boss' is an aim, 'Get to work an hour early three times a week' is an action. Actions are things we can do.

"Realistic simply means that you set your goals a little in front of where you are now. We can all achieve one step ahead at a time, but ten steps in one go may be unrealistic. That's not to say that you won't ultimately reach the tenth step, just that the journey should be broken into realistic stages.

"Timely has two meanings. First your goal should have a specific time limit to ensure that your subconscious brain knows to get on with it. Second, your goals should be possible in the time that you have available. For example, one of your goals may be to learn the piano, but do you really have the hour a day necessary for lessons and practice? If not, then set an intermediate goal of freeing up some spare time.

"So take a hard look at your goals for 2010. Are they SMART?"

My thanks to Martin Avis for these words of wisdom.

That's it for today - nothing to sell and (unfortunately) nothing to give away. Maybe next time?


Friday, December 04, 2009

Let's Save Money on Gas

I am gonna talk about Money Makers TV in a bit, but first some tidbits you can use.

Here are 5 ways to use less gasoline:
1. Limit "short hops." Instead, go to all your "short hop" places on a single trip, saving time and extra gas.
2. Don't speed - duh. Every 5 mph over 60 wastes about 20 cents per gallon.
3. Have a soft foot. Every time you hit the gas or brake hard, you waste energy. Steady does it.
4. Maintain your car. Tires properly inflated, clean oil, clear filters, all that stuff. You knew that, right?
5. Get that extra junk out of your trunk. Extra weight means lousy mileage, so remove what you really don't need.

OK - let's talk about Money Maker TV. Showing you the nuts and bolts of IM.

I just recently got access to a newly launched phenom called Money Maker TV, an online TV station on the Internet for Internet Marketers. Whoa!

OMG - was I impressed. Sarah Staar and Dave Ingram, professional videographers, have built an online TV platform. They interviewed all types of successful Internet marketers, posted them, and continue to add more. The interface that they designed and had built themselves is truly professional. But don't let me wax on about this too much. You've got to see it for yourself.

Besides, Sarah explains it a whole lot better than I ever could.

So, carry it away, Sarah:
Money Maker TV.

To Your Success,