Friday, January 30, 2009

PLR Pro - Project Green Button

PLR Pro's new Project Green Button is one of the coolest content site building tools I've ever come across. I was able to build a complete information laden site about Golf Clubs in about 30 minutes, including full keywords, relevant articles, site mapes, the works. Check it out:

I also built 2 other sites, one about Diamonds, and another about Magic. They took a little longer, but only because I was learning PGB as I went, sort of fumbling around. But hey, if I can do this, so can you. PLR Pro is THE BEST PLR membership on the net, and their Project Green Button only makes it better.

If you are interesed in evaluating PLR Pro for yourself, click here >>>> PLR Pro <<<<<. And pay attention to their Project Green Button. If it ain't the slickest thing you've seen lately, then I don't know what is.

The Worlds #1 PLR Content Membership
- PLRPro

Now that your eyes have glazed over, you are probably wondering what PLR is all about. Well, if you've stuck it out and read this far, I've got a free e_book for you that explains all about PLR, which actually stands for Private Label Resale. Get your free ebook by clicking HERE.

Using PLR's is a great way to earn some extra income, while letting someone else do all the work. They write the book, you sell it. What could be better. So check out this PLR process by downloading this free e-book, the PLR Process.

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

FOCUS is the Name of the Game

James Grandstaff was kind enough to use one of my blog comments to his post recently:
"James, one of the hardest things for IM beginners to do is focus. It’s like a candy store out there when you first get started, and we’re always rushing off to try the newest thing without completing and following through on the last thing. So a “How to Focus” and get things done, one step at a time, I think would be useful for beginners. And me."

Well, he had a very succinct and worthy answer, and I'd like to share it you right here:

But it's hard to focus when you keep procrastinating. To that end, read my previous post:

Now that you're thoroughly cross-eyed with all that reading, go pop a cold one, and we'll see you all next time. And pop one for me!

Dick - TTFN - Check the Latest

Wednesday, January 07, 2009

Let's start 2009 off right

You know, as we kick off 2009, there's something that I feel I must talk about. It's call procrastination, and it was my biggest downfall in 2008. And I want to "kick the habit" so to speak in 2009. Why put off tomorrow what you can do the day after seemed to be my philosphy. And it seemed to work, in that I didn't get a whole bunch done in 2008. As my bank account can attest.

I seemed to get up in the morning with lots of good intentions. I had a mental list of the things I wanted to get done. I had an image in my mind of the jobs and tasks that I really needed to take action on. But then other things would pop up, things that would take on an importance way beyond what they should have.

I would think, let's check email, then that would lead me off into all sorts of other directions. For every step forward, I was taking 10 back. That's getting something done? Suddenly the day was gone, nothing accomplished, and I'd say, "Well, there's always tomorrow." But then tomorrow's cycle of procrastination would start all over again.

If you’ve nodded your head even once while you've read this, then you are exactly like me. You procrastinate. And unless you stop, you are doomed to stay on the merry-go-round of underachievement forever.

However, I’ve found a program that really helps. I mean really helps.

It is called ‘Habit Busting’ and it can help you tame your procrastination habit in 21 days or less.
I’ve bought it and can vouch for the fact that it is packed with useful advice that will really work. I can’t wait to finish it and put it’s wisdom into practice - this is something I WILL NOT put off!

When you consider how much even being 25% more effective would beworth to you (and I think Habit Busting may well help me to amuch bigger improvement than that) then the very low cost becomes insignificant.

If ever there was a time when investing in yourself was vital toyour financial future this is it, and this is a very smallinvestment for a very big future.
Click here for more information about Habit Busting now!

BTW - this is one of the programs that was on Martin Avis's top 10 list for 2008. That in itself should convince you that this is a program well worth investigating. Or, you can put it off till tomorrow.l

Chow for Now - TTFN, and Goodnight Mrs. Calabash, where ever you are.