The first involves the Kindle Reader Amazon has just released and is selling this year. The idea involves uploading your own information products directly to the Kindle directory, then people with the Kindle Reader buying and downloading your product to their Kindle. Although this seems like a niche market, it could be big. Rebbecca Cooper has come up with a way to sell your Private Label Rights and Public Domain eBooks without
- Traffic
- A Website
- An autoresponder to deliver the ebooks
- A way to deal with customer service, refunds, etc.
- And all of the time, money, and effort it takes to do that!
You see, the Kindle is an electronic ebook reader sold by Amazon. It is the size of a small paperback book, but lighter. It stores hundreds of ebooks that are all downloaded from Amazon's Kindle Store to the Kindle reader. So what we need to do is get our own eBooks uploaded to the Kindle Store. And Rebbecca shows us how to do just that with her new eBook, Kindle Profits Exposed Course.
The second strategy comes out of the UK, and the guy that put it together made over $100K last Christmas using these strategies. It combines the use of affiliate sales, mini sites and real world products to form a killer strategy. In fact, it's called "Info Product Killer"and it uses an organic SEO strategy not really used in North America. AND, it promises to put some serious Christmas earnings in your pocket if implemented correctly. He uses Amazon.Com as one of the real world product providers. Be sure and watch the videos - they explain everything really well.
Now here's a kicker. What if someone bought a Kindle Reader through one of your mini site affiliate links, then bought and downloaded your eBook to that very same Kindle. Now that's too cool.
Here they are again:
The Kindle Profits Exposed Course, and;
The Info Product Killer Course.
More new ideas coming soon, so stay tuned:
TTFN ................. Dick