Tuesday, October 13, 2009

We can ALL Profit from PLR

I'll be the first to admit, I'm a little rusty on PLR. It's been awhile. And why I got away from it, I'll never know. Grass is greener oncept I guess. But just to get my head back in the game, I went ahead and got Martin Avis's Ebook, "Unlock the Secrets of Private Label Ebooks." It's a very good book, written about, what, 3 years ago? But PLR is PLR, and the basics don't change. And has Martin himself has said, "I have always said that PLR is the nearest thing to magic - someone else does all the work, while you make all the money."

But as good as it is, we've found a guy who actually goes a step or 2 further. And his name is John Thornhill. He's created a system that is completely repeatable, in step-by-step form. Just watch the video on John's sales page to understand what I'm talking about (if you can understand his strange accent, by the way).

Profit from PLR is an amazingly complete, large package. There are 2 PDF files, 35 videos, and a 20 minute audio that go into complete detail about how to make money from PLR. Everything you would ever need to know.

This is good stuff, but I know how it is ..... you want to read some more copy, and cogitate over it a bit more. Private Label Resale, although not fool proof, is pretty close to it. And if you're on the fence a bit, I can tell you it is absolutely the most complete course on how to make a constant stream of money pretty much automatically - from OPW's - other people's work.

Go ahead and click on the sales page, if for nothing else but to hear John's accent:

As yes, Virginia, that's a Clickbank affiliate link. Ugly, isn't it?
Let's try this one - see how much more professional it looks?

If you want to know how I do this, disguise my affiliate link, let me know. I'm thinking about doing a video on this, so I need to see how much interest there may be out there.

That's it for now - TTFN - we'll talk again.

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