Sunday, September 30, 2007

It's been awhile

Yeah, Yeah! I know, it's been awhile since I posted here. I promise, I'll do better in the future. But I have been concentrating more on my beachmiser blog, talking about and posting picture/videos of our recent Alaskan Cruise vacation. Now that was cool.

On the business front, I've added a new page to my IRS site, something you should take the time and CIO (check it out). It's the 3 main programs I am currently promoting and marketing, so CIO.

While you're there, also check out the updates to my original Shagmiser Site. It's still a shopping bot overview, but I've cleaned it up quit a bit. It also qualifies for a CIO salute.

One more thing. I've been advocating this for awhile now, and it's still current and relevant. And that's Jim Daniel's FREE report, "The New Age WORK at HOME Plan." As I mentioned, it's free if you know the secret. I revel all at my site. Just scroll down till you find it. Here's a picture of the book, click on it to CIO (that's Italian for check it out).

In fact, I am going to be advocating quite a few things as we trundle down this obscure path of Internet Marketing tidbits. You can keep up by subscribing to my main site, the Internet Retirement System, or sometimes know as "Let's Go Fishing in Retirement."

BTW - If you'd like an RSS feed to your website to notify you of new posts to this blog, use the following URL: . I've got it as part of my Yahoo home account.

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