A running diary of Internet Marketing tips and hints, some of the projects I'm involved in, and useful thoughts (I hope) about how to put some extra change in your pocket.
Wednesday, December 31, 2008
Tips for IM in 2009
"Tip # 1 You Must Have the Right Mindset
You must have the right mindset. Without this - forget
Sure, you want to succeed but maybe you think it's
easy (which it isn't always). Maybe you think you are "different." Or maybe you think it will just
happen for you.
It's none of those. But if you have the right attitude,
I guarantee it will happen for you.
You will already know if you have the right mindset.
Are you teachable? Or are you a know-it-all?
Are you a good listener? Or do you think you're beyond
all of that?
Are you open-minded? But not gullible.
In the New Year I will introduce you to a program that
will help you get the most out of what you have.
Sorry, I can't give you too many specifics right now,
but I promise to keep you informed.
You'd better have got plenty new socks for Christmas
because this program will blow most of the others off.
Tip # 2 Set Your Goals
I know this sounds "old-hat" but, if written correctly,
goal setting does work.
There is a phenomenon known as "visualization." Which
has been scientifically proven to work. How? Why? I
don't know, but it works. Maybe something to do with
quantum physics - a subject I know naff-all about.
But for your goals to work they must be worded correctly.
And the correct wording has to be in present tense.
Each of your goals should begin with the word "I."
That way, the visualization process is so much easier.
And the more detail in there, the better. Here's an
"I own a silver XJ aluminium Jaguar. It has dove grey interior, burr walnut dash, automatic transmission,
cruise control, reverse control, and air conditioning."
Of course, you may not yet own whatever it is, but the
idea of writing your goal as if it has already happened,
is very powerful .
And the visualization of you goal, for example if it's
a car, can be looking onto to your drive and picturing
your goal sitting there.
Finally, at least one of your goals should be about you.
How much you believe in yourself and your confidence.
For a detailed explanation of visualization and goal
setting, you owe it to yourself to visit:
Tip # 3 Study the Classics
Read something every day.
It has been said that if you read for one hour every day
on a choice subject, then after one year you will be an
expert in that field.
Just imagine what you could accomplish if you read for
2-3 hours a day!
If you want to succeed in marketing to your niche whether
it be online or offline (or both), then you need to study
the classics.
By "classics" I don't mean Shakespeare or Mark Twain
(although these are a good read). I mean marketing
classics and other notables.
I list below a selection (there are many others) that I consider to be required reading:
Scientific Advertising Claude Hopkins
My Life in Advertising Claude Hopkins
Tested Advertising Methods John Caples
My First 60 Years in Advertising Maxwell Sackheim
Tested Sentences That Sell Elmer Wheeler
The Robert Collier Letter Book Robert Collier
Ogilvy on Advertising David Ogilvy
Psychological Triggers Joe Sugarman
Influence, the Psychology Robert Cialdini
Of Persuasion
Breakthrough Advertising Eugene Schwartz
Psycho Cybernetics Dr. Maltz
Think and Grow Rich Napoleon Hill
Don't just read them. Study them.
Here's what David Ogilvy had to say about Scientific Advertising:
"Nobody should have anything to do with advertising
until they have read Scientific Advertising at least
6 times."
The fact is, each time you read these classics another
gem pops out.
And it's no coincidence that all of today's top marketers
have read these classics over and over again. That's
where they go to get their ideas.
Get hooked on Classics!
My free chronological study of advertising can be found
And in the New Year I will be introducing you to a new
program that will add to the above list. Hint: it's a
program about the man who inspired ALL of the above
authors - and many others besides.
Tip # 4 Listen to Tapes/CDs
I do about 25,000 miles in my car each year. I find it extremely boring.
But, I can honestly say that, with few exceptions, I
turn off the radio and plug in some audio CD. This may
be some kind of self-improvement kind of CD or something specific to do with marketing or Internet related.
But what it does for me is that I get a "College Education"
as I'm driving along.
I consider time spent in the car "dead time" and all
of our time is so precious. Once it's gone, you can't
get it back. It's gone forever.
So put it to good use.
I have a library of CDs (and tapes) which I continually
listen to. I could never have too many.
I've even created my own audio products for some of
my projects.
You're wasting your valuable time if you don't use
audio as a medium for your continuing education.
A good source of CDs (and tapes) is Nightingale Conant
and there are always special offers being made on the
Internet from time to time.
Choose what's right for you and learn.
Tip # 5 What do You Want to Do?
You need to make your mind up what exactly it is
that you want to do.
Do you want to market on-line or off-line? Or a
combination of both?
Do you want to sell information products or physical
products? Or a combination of both?
It's your choice.
There's enough niche topics and enough potential
customers out there to satisfy all of us.
The Internet is a medium for finding information. So
it makes sense to provide information products.
If you want to learn how to create your own information products, go to:
Producing information products is probably the best
way to start and then maybe move on to selling physical products at a later date.
But whether you choose to sell digital products or
physical products you will still need a means of marketing.
Having a web presence will be essential. And whether
you do decide to market online or offline you will need
a persuasive "direct response" sales letter. This is called "sales copy."
Tip # 6 Learn How to Write Good Copy
To have any chance at all at selling any of your
products you will need to learn how to write good,
persuasive sales copy.
But to write your own copy will take time. Rome was
not built in a day.
A whole new industry has spawned called "copywriting."
Because it has become clear that good copy sells.
Most people, try to skip this part. For some unknown
reason they think it's not important . Maybe they're
too eager to get the rest of their sales process
finished and "out there."
Big mistake.
It is a monumental mistake to gloss over your sales
Whether you are marketing online or offline. You
simply must have good sales copy.
You may have the best product in the world. You may
get thousands of visitors to your site. But if your
copy sucks - you won't sell many of your products.
You have 2 choices. You either pay someone to write
the copy for you or you learn how to write your own.
The former can be cost prohibitive as good copywriters
charge anything from $15K upwards for a single piece
of copy.
It makes sense for you to learn how to write your own
! In fact it's a necessity !
You will simply not get very far without it.
It will not happen overnight. It's something that
will come with practice.
Maybe you'll never become a top copywriter but you
must become an accomplished copywriter.
And the best way to learn is to read the classics and
to study the copywriting of successful marketers.
Guys like Yanik Silver, Ted Nicholas, and Matt Furey.
Tip # 7 Apprentice Yourself or Get Yourself a Coach.
If you know what you want to do but don't quite know
how to achieve it - apprenticing yourself to a mentor
could well be your jump start to success.
This need not cost you a fortune.
There may be just one aspect that you require help with.
For example, copywriting, or building a website, or
setting up a shopping cart. Or maybe you require help
with all of it.
There will be someone available to help you with
whatever it is you're stuck with. Look online. Search
in your local Yellow Pages. Go to your local technical
college and sign up for a short course on how to use Dreamweaver (or FrontPage) if building web pages is
your weakness.
An alternative is to listen in to our teleseminars
and webinars.
Next year I plan on hosting a lot more of these. I'll
keep you posted.
Tip # 8 Time Management
This sounds as if it's obvious, almost irrelevant.
But I can assure you that it's so important. And I'm
the first to admit that I do not employ my time to
the fullest (although I am improving).
Time is that precious commodity that we all take
for granted.
It's the one common denominator we all have. Rich
or poor. When time passes we cannot get it back.
It's gone.
That's why you need to plan each day. Maximise the
time that you have.
There are many books on the subject to help you
manage your time better. I've read several but one
I have read, really impressed me. It's by Dan Kennedy.
It's called No B.S. Time Management for Entrepreneurs
and is available from Amazon.
I aim to improve my time management in 2009 by at
least 100%.
Tip # 9 Keep in Good Health
All the previous 8 tips are useless to you if you
don't keep yourself in fine fettle.
You need to eat well and exercise regularly (says I
who eats really well and exercises not as much as I
A healthy body helps you to be successful. You feel
less lethargic. You have more energy. And you tend
to focus better.
If you are overweight (like me) do something about
it in 2009. I do something every day, like walking.
My goal for 2009 is to lose a modest 3 pounds a month.
Even I can do that!
Tip # 10 Do One Pro-active Thing per Day
The way to true success is to focus. Focus on your
project in hand.
Be persistent and be consistent.
It is far, far better to do a little every day than
it is to do a lot every two weeks or so.
It doesn't matter what you do, however little, but
make it a habit to do something every single day.
It may only be one hour of reading or watching a DVD
or researching a project. But it's a great habit to
get into.
Make it your habit as well.
After one or two months you'll be amazed at the
progress you've made.
It's important not to "skip" a day and reckon on
making it up later. You won't. When that day's gone,
it's gone.
The only person you'll be kidding is yourself.
But if you've got what it takes from tip # 1, this
will just come naturally to you.
If you've been a member of my Million Dollar Publisher
program then you should already know all about being
pro-active - that is, if you've been completing the
assignments each week.
If you are not a member then schlep on over to:
This program is designed to drip feed information to
you in bite-sized chunks. So that you can do something
every day and monitor your progress.
I sincerely hope that you take at least some of tips
above onboard - if not ALL of them.
Do that and watch your progress improve throughout
And it goes without saying - but I'll say it anyway -
may I wish you all that I wish myself for 2009.
Grandpa Peter
(Blogger's note: Peter just became a grandfather righ before he posted this)
P.S. Have a really great New Year and start 2009 as
you mean to go on. "
Same from me to you - let's get started !!!!!
Dick Hale
PS - Peter mentioned "Think and Grow Rich."
I've got a free copy of it for you if you're interested:
Presslink Publishing
Suite 191, Clifford House
7-9 Clifford Street,
Thursday, November 20, 2008
My Thoughts on How to Beat the Recession
Then, as I was thinking about all this, it occurred to me, internet marketing and the ability to make money using the internet is pretty much recession proof. And if you haven’t yet noticed, we’re in a recession. So everyday folks like you and me are going to be looking for some relief, looking for a way to earn those extra bucks that will keep us afloat. And not just one time, but on a recurring basis. We need ourselves a system.
So I started researching this whole area and came across an amazing course, the Recession Rescue System. It was developed by 3 of the top marketers in the biz today, and they built it specifically for those of us who want to learn how to build a recession proof residual income system. It’s not cheap; I’ll tell you that right up front. But quality never is, and these guys reek of quality, knowledge, expertise, and the ability to pass that information on to you.
This course is your chance to figuratively sit down with 3 of the sharpest minds in Internet Marketing today, and learn their methods and systems. And who knows, you might just end up beating this recession after all.
I’ll let them tell you all about it !!!
Visit the Recession Rescue System.
PS - If nothing else, read the pitch page. It's pretty impressive, as are the guys behind this whole thing.
Friday, October 31, 2008
Two New Christmas Strategies
The first involves the Kindle Reader Amazon has just released and is selling this year. The idea involves uploading your own information products directly to the Kindle directory, then people with the Kindle Reader buying and downloading your product to their Kindle. Although this seems like a niche market, it could be big. Rebbecca Cooper has come up with a way to sell your Private Label Rights and Public Domain eBooks without
- Traffic
- A Website
- An autoresponder to deliver the ebooks
- A way to deal with customer service, refunds, etc.
- And all of the time, money, and effort it takes to do that!
You see, the Kindle is an electronic ebook reader sold by Amazon. It is the size of a small paperback book, but lighter. It stores hundreds of ebooks that are all downloaded from Amazon's Kindle Store to the Kindle reader. So what we need to do is get our own eBooks uploaded to the Kindle Store. And Rebbecca shows us how to do just that with her new eBook, Kindle Profits Exposed Course.
The second strategy comes out of the UK, and the guy that put it together made over $100K last Christmas using these strategies. It combines the use of affiliate sales, mini sites and real world products to form a killer strategy. In fact, it's called "Info Product Killer"and it uses an organic SEO strategy not really used in North America. AND, it promises to put some serious Christmas earnings in your pocket if implemented correctly. He uses Amazon.Com as one of the real world product providers. Be sure and watch the videos - they explain everything really well.
Now here's a kicker. What if someone bought a Kindle Reader through one of your mini site affiliate links, then bought and downloaded your eBook to that very same Kindle. Now that's too cool.
Here they are again:
The Kindle Profits Exposed Course, and;
The Info Product Killer Course.
More new ideas coming soon, so stay tuned:
TTFN ................. Dick
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
It's Back to School
The first is Peter Woodhead's new email course, just released, that will take you step by step into the world of Internet publishing. It's called Million Dollar Publishing. It's detailed, it's comprehensive, lasts 52 weeks, has tons of extras, and is absolutely one of the best deals I have seen in quite awhile. Check it Out.
The second, by Tony Shepherd and Sara Brown, is also a 52 week email course, just released, and is being limited to 500 participants. It's called the Internet Marketing Kickstart Course and it's the same price as Peter's ($27 / month), and will probably offer just about the same type of instruction I should imagine. I'll be taking both, and posting my preference on my Shagmiser Blog. You can check out Tony and Sara's course HERE. BTW, both courses have generous cancellation policies, and the Kickstart course says they can have you up and running in 5 - 6- weeks, well in advance of their cancellation date.
As I said, I'll be taking both courses, and posting my findings and reviews here, in this blog, so stay tuned. In fact, you might want to set an RSS or Follow this Blog to know when I next post about these courses. Actually, what you should do is take one or the other and post your own finding as comments to this blog, or in the Warrior Forum, or someplace (your own blog, maybe?).
I really like the weekly pace both these courses offer, and the promise of getting something done correctly. So keep up with me here, it's gonna be a bumpy, fun ride.
Friday, October 03, 2008
Two New Programs to Really Investigate
To that end, I have finally decided to jump into to 2 programs I think will help me build some passive, residual income over the long haul.
The first is a membership website for Internet Marketers, by Internet Marketers. It's called Reality-Networkers, and it really is worthwhile checking out. Why, because the offer a bunch of money making programs referred by other members, programs that work. Plus, the site itself is a forced matrix, which offers spill over. And your up line can place members into your down line, helping you to grow. It's a win-win. You need to take a real close look at Reality-Networkers, and follow my lead. As of the start of this month, they are over 2,000,000 members, and growing.
The second is a little off the beaten path for Network Marketers in that it's an auto responder. It's called Traffic Wave, and it is one of the best around. The bells and whistles offered by Traffic Wave are comprehensive, and, once a fully paid member, offers a shot at passive, residual income. Grow your down line, and you grow your monthly residual income. Anyone in Internet Marketing knows you need an auto responder to 1) capture your opt-in leads, and 2) market to those leads. If you're going to be in Internet Marketing, then you need an auto responder, no if, ands or buts, period. And Traffic wave is by far one of the best around, AND, it helps you make an additional monthly income.
OK - OK - OK - now I feel like Joe Pesci (?). One more program, and it's totally free, and you might could maybe win a Corvette from Russell Brunson if you take his challange. Russell is offering a $100 Million Challange. Here's the bit: http://contest.dotcomsecrets.com/shagmiser
Best part? The training doesn't cost a cent! Yet you'll get plenty of wealth-building information you can use to pay off credit card bills, pay off your car, or even quit your job! I am going to take him up on this, so I'll see you in the classroom. And promote this thing, save a child.
OK - enough said for now. You need to investigate these 2 programs I've just recommended. If you agree, or disagree, leave me a comment.
Monday, September 22, 2008
Martin's Power Thought, Harvey's Ultimate Supertips Book
"There is a Buddhist mental trick that can often come to the rescue in times when you are lost for an answer.
"When a problem is in front of you and your mind is refusing to come up with a solution, try this:
"Close your eyes, calm your thoughts and count yourself backwards from 5 to 1. As you count, imagine yourself entering a deep, dark, quiet place where all your memories are stored.
"Bring you problem into focus and tell yourself that you know the answer, you just have to remember it.
"Speak inside your mind to that subconscious place and tell it that the answer is buried in your memories and that it should drop everything else and go off to find it.
"That's all you do.
"Now count yourself back to the present, put your problem to one side and get on with other things.
"Your mind will now work on the assumption that you DO know the answer rather than panic that you don't.
"In time, at an unexpected moment, a solution will pop into your head. And when it does, take note. It is almost certain to be right.
I have talked about this one before, but it is worth repeating because:
1.) It's free
2.) Requires no opt-in
3.) Can go viral if you let it
4.) It's packed with all sorts of useful information about viral marketing, and
5.) is free and requires no opt-in (oops, I said that already).
6.) Has a neat Splash Page with my picture on it? (Whoopee!)
Here Goes: The Ultimate Supertips Book
OK - OK - OK - I'm still casting about out there for a really good Internet based course on (what else?) making money on the Internet. My Internet Martin Avis has suggested Michael Green's new course called The Money Tree.
And, a few other people have started to promote his new course that is supposed to teach us how to make money from the Internet anytime you want to. This course, 'The Money Tree,' is subtitled, 'How to make $30,000 in 30 days ... guaranteed!'
The original Avis review, and a link to a lot more information on what the course contains, is here: http://www.moneytreereview.com/. I am not promoting this, just reporting on what I am checking out. I'll let you know if I decide to take him up on the offer ....... stay tuned.
In the meantime, I am still putting the final pieces on my Traffic Exchange project. That's also a ..... stayed tuned for more ..... project. Read the previous post to learn more. ALSO, subscribe to this blog using one of the links to the right, where is says subscribe to the blog.
'Nuff for now - TTFN, and AMF (or Adios My Friends)!
Thursday, September 04, 2008
Traffic Exchanges and How to Make them Work for You!
OK, OK - here's a new resource! The Shagmiser/Filsaime Ultimate IM Resource Affiliate Website - now THAT's a mouthful! I've just put this site together, so go check it out - tell me what you think.
Monday, September 01, 2008
Thursday, August 21, 2008
Web 2.0, updated IRS, MLM Squeeze Pages
Here are some posts worth your while. They are great examples of what James Grandstaff has created, and they are a new way of marketing. We're giving away free stuff, no strings. and it's good stuff, too: Here are the links:
How to get rich building a lazy downline
The Guru's secret weapon to MLM riches
7 secrets to building a productive downline
How to get rich from ANY MLM Program
Feel free to download any or all 4. They are your for the taking. Now, if you'd like to learn how we did this, check out: Instant MLM Squeeze Pages.
Lately I have been going back through my Internet Retirement System website, weeding out old programs, adding some new stuff, etc. I'd like to revamp the entire thing, but before I do that, I want to finish John Reese's Traffic Secrets 2 course before it gets awy from me. Plus, I need to review Holly Cutter's recent course, see if there's something I missed. If anyone out there reading this is interested in either of these courses, let me know and I'll send you more info.
Tim Brocklehurst has a new guru class starting, so check one of my previous posts for more information. I'd post it again here, but I'm too lazy to look it up.
Enough for now - I've got to go "mow 'de lawn," or as the say in France, "coup 'de graux." (sic!)
Dick "the Shagmiser" Hale
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
Does The Freedom Class Work?
You see, I just recently came across this "Freedom Class," a laptop seminar with Tim Brocklehurst. Actually, I heard about it from Martin Avis, and if you've followed me at all, then you know who he is.
He claims that with just 2 days, he can set you up with your own Internet Business set to earn over $66,000 in eight months - and over $100,000 in a year.
The theory is based around the phenomenon of exponential growth, and there are numerous examples of people who have experienced it using effective viral marketing on The Internet.
Viral marketing, it seems, is key to the success of any Internet business. none of the big names online currently would be anything like as successful but for it.
So now, it seems, the whole world is trying to create viral effects to grow their businesses with. Some are succeeding, but many more fail.
So what is it about The Freedom Class, and Tim Brocklehurst, that makes me think there could be something in learning about it this way?
Well, for one thing, the method of learning is intriguing. Tim is using something called "Action Learning" to conduct these classes. Action Learning is a way of learning something by 'doing' it.
On these classes, the participants will bring their own laptops and go through the process of uploading products for sale and giving them an affiliate back-end so that others can sell them too.
Then, they will be giving them a viral boost on the front-end using Tim's own tried and tested viral software, MVS.
His users have had spectacular results with this membership site software. It brings together a wide array of tried and tested viral seeds, triggers and motivators to reach further and get more sign-ups than a normal site could on its own.
Another factor which is sure to help the success of participants, is the mastermind group formation.
Tim is issuing questionnaires to all participants from which a chart of their natural strengths and weaknesses can be drawn. He has identified 5 key skills which everyone possesses with varying degrees, but which are important for Internet Marketing success.
By partnering up with others on the course who have complementary skills, it seems reasonable to expect that useful teams will be made, which can work effectively and achieve more individually than they could on their own.
Overall, I like the sound of this course. For one thing, its good to see a recognized marketer getting out and showing us, rather than hiding behind the Internet. On the other hand, if you prefer to learn at home, then look out for The Freedom Class Home Action Pack once you have registered at the site.
Let me know what you think with a comment below.
Also, check the video in the upper right of this blog. It explains things?
Thursday, August 07, 2008
Membership Site in a Box
One of the biggest problems with running a membership site is content. You have to continuously come up with new and fresh content for your members, or else you'll lose them. And that takes a lot of work. You might as well have a job.
Well, Terry and Edwin have solved that problem for you. They've come up with a Private Label Rights Membership Website that does all the content update for you, plus provides you with:
- a high-converting membership site
- the software to run it
- the option to make any changes to that site, adding our own personalisation
- the flexibility to sell the products at different price points
- a way to offer monthly billing, trial billings, one-time payments, special offers, upsells
- and all the content
They are offering you the chance to Private Label and Clone a new membership website that spits out profits for you on auto-pilot. 24/7. But they are only offering this to the first 350 people who apply. I am not sure how many spots have already been spoken for, but I'm pretty sure there are openings available. If not, cie la vie.
Instead of me going on about it, see how many slots yourself:
You'll be glad you did .................
Until next time...
Yours in success,
Tuesday, August 05, 2008
Huh? 31.95% DON'T know what a "Squeeze Page" is?
If you've been around the IM (internet marketing) scene for awhile, you've most likely heard the term "squeeze page" before, right?
At least that's what I thought.
Well, James surveyed approx. 500 people on his list who are interested in making money online. Many stated they were interested in affiliate marketing, product creation, MLM, etc...
One of the questions was "Do you know what a"Squeeze Page" is?"
68.05% answered yes and 31.95% answered NO.
To be honest...
I was shocked that 31.95% said no.
What about you?
In light of this shocking survey data I decided to write this post today to go over the very basics of what a squeeze page is and why you should be using them in your business (if you are not already.)
And for those of you who already use them, pay attention. You will probably learn something too.
Here goes...
A squeeze page which is also known as a "lead capture page" or "name squeeze page" is a simple web page with one purpose; to get your visitor to give you their name and email address so you can follow-up with them. That's it.
One of the best ways to get someone to opt-in to your squeeze page is by offering something of high perceived value such as a mini ecourse or a highly targeted eBook.
For example, let's say you are promoting a multi-level marketing business opportunity. The products are great and you are a raving fan.
Most people would just start promoting the websitethe company supplies. I say no. This is a perfect opportunity to implement the use of a squeeze page and offer something of value first.
That way, you collect the leads, you follow-up with an introduction of yourself and begin building a long lasting business relationship.
In sales, what we are really selling is "us" first, then the product.
You always want to provide value first. Once your prospects warm up to you, then it's time to ask the right questions to determine if your product or business opportunity can help solve their needs.
If you'd like to see a high quality, high converting squeeze page that James has put together, you can visit the link below.
It's important to read the "thank you" page on theother side you can get an idea of how the wholeprocess works.
Until next time...
Yours in success,
Sunday, August 03, 2008
30 Day Challange
It is not too late to join, because at this early stage of the game, it's not that hard to catch up.
Click on this hyperlink: http://www.ThirtyDayChallenge.com/challenge/25373 - read all about it - then sign yourself up. You will be very glad you did, whether you are an experienced Internet Marketer or a brand newbie. Just being able to download and use their new product introduced in day 2 (yesterday) - Market Samurai - is worth the price of admission; which did I mention, is FREE. People, you can't beat this with a wet beach towel.
OK - now onto some other stuff. One minute Sites (OMS) is about to raise their price, so now's the time to get in. Within as little as 1 minute, YOU can have a PROVEN, professional *list building site* online and ready to rock!
Your site is hosted automatically - no uploading to mess with... This is as EASY as it gets to obtain your own list building web-site!
New topics are added monthly - choose from the hottest topics online!...
....Internet wealth
....Weight Loss
....Travel And Vacation
....Real Estate
....And coming soon we'll be launching our CUSTOM One Minute Site builder, enabling *you* to quickly generate proven "OMS Style" list building sites on virtually ANY topic of your choosing!...
Again, all sites (including custom sites) are INSTANTLY hosted and ready to go the moment you generate them!
Join today if you're not already a member!...
BTW - this will tie in nicely with Ed Dales' 30 Day Challange course. Sign up with OMS now while the price is right, sign up and start tqaking Ed's course, discover the best way to do things, and you'll already have in place OMS to help you build that niche. That's exactly what I am gonna do, and there's room in the pool for everyone. So come on in, the water's fine.
To our Continuing Success .....
Dick Hale
Monday, June 30, 2008
Shades of the Da Vinci Code
But I think it might be worthwhile laughing at - The Social Media Marketing System.
BTW – I say in the video I’m a Bronze member but by doing that video Brian upgraded me to Silver. I can be bribed. Anyway, if you want a good laugh, go see me in my professional debut as a video testimonial person.
You’ll have to scroll down a bit – but I’m down there somewhere. And why is my screen size is smaller that everyone else’s? No clue – that must be a YouTube thing.
The Social Media Marketing System
Now, what's all this about the Da Vinci Code? Well, Brian has just announced a secret alliance he's just started as part of SMMS, and my Facebook friend and mentor Ian Campbell does the best job of explaining the whole thing. Here's Ian's Link: http://tinyurl.com/3sbtsp
His is an affiliate link, but that's OK, so long as you get the message.
John Reese is almost Ready
John just announced a mid July date for the release of Traffics Secret 2 - which has been highly anticipated. If you want to follow more closely, follow on John's Twitter account. He's uses that almost exclusively to keep the rest of us up to date. Or his latest blog at:
FaceBook and other Meanderings
Well, I seem to be spending a lot of time on Facebook lately. Since that video I mentioned came out, I've been getting a lot of friends requests, and group invites. It's really great to "talk" to other people from around the globe about their take on internet marketing, Web 2.0 tactics, and just learning from others in general. If you're not yet on Facebook, jump in, the waters fine. Become my friend, and we'll chat. Also, no matter what you niche or finely tuned interest, there's a group out there tailored just for you.
Go directly to my profile, and join in: http://profile.to/dickhale/
That's it for today - just some random thoughts. TTFN - Dick
Tuesday, June 10, 2008
Three Learning and Teaching Resources
The first is one of my favorite mentors, Martin Avis. He has built a series of teachings starting you from the ground up ..... called the "Foolproof, No-Nonsense, Kickstart Guide to Making Money Online."
The second is Eric Holmlund, one of the most astute IM guys around. And he is just getting started with his projected 120 video series about marketing online. You can get started at Eric's Tips, but you will have to register, even though it is free.
Last, but certainly not least, is Mike Filsaime whose credentials in IM speak for themselves. His offer, mostly free, is in my blog entry right below this one. Just scroll on down to get the whole story.
There are more guys out there offering a lot of excellent training courses right now, some free, some not so fre, but these 3 resources are my choices. And I wanted to share them with you.
Friday, June 06, 2008
Filsaime Releases The 7 Figure Secrets And Gives it Away Free!
Before we get into the meat of this message, there are 3 things I want to cover. First, when you read the sales page, Mike states that the products are free. They are, but the shipping is not. He is asking about $8.95 for S&H which I think is entirely reasonable considering all that you are getting. Also, when you get to the order page, you have to sign up for a free 30 trial of his subscription magazine, after which your CC will be charged $29.95 / month unless you cancel before that, and even though there is a check box there, you cannot unclick it. This is a concept called forced continuity. However, it is easily cancelled. Even on the same day you register to receive Mike's offered products. All you have to do is call the number posted in the order form (631) 615-4597. Really simple, and Mike's copy is really up front about everything. Thirdly, there are a lot of OTO's you have to wade through to get to your free downloads. Look at each one because in some cases there are good deals.
OK - now here is the deal...
Back in February of 2007, Mike Filsaime held a secret Private Workshop at an undisclosed location.
Over 100 people paid $5000 for the Workshop.
He then took those DVD's (Which now sell for $1297) and sold it out in record fashion in under 7 days to 2500 people. Since then... over 3000 people have paid for that information.
The success stories that followed have changed the face of Internet Marketing.
(Filsaime, along with his 37 Staff Members, will do $10,000,000 this year in sales and is credited with showing other marketers how to grow a 7 figure Business.)
Big Deal?
Recently, Mike hired a "TOP GUN" Internet Marketing Expert and Copywriter (That also attended the event.)
Mike Paid this "TOP GUN" $25,000 to watch all 16 DVD's of "The 7 Figure Code" and condense it into a Masterpiece...
An 85 Page report, no fluff, with all of the Gold nuggets, Pearls of Wisdom, and action plans for you to get in a 1 hours' read.
That's right, what 100 people paid $5000 for, and had to sit through 3 days, you will get all of the information crammed into 1 report that you can read in 1 sitting.
That is right, Mike Filsaime was going to sell it for $297.00 and was planning on selling 3000 copies in 7 days.
They are already printed, spiral bound, and sitting at the warehouse ready to ship.
But Mike has decided to ship it to you for...
*** Free *** (Only While supplies Last.)
All Mike Asks is that you pay the shipping (about $8 or so)
That is it. You do NOT have to buy it. You simply tell him where to ship it and he will send it to you for... nothing, zip, nada!
>>> Mike was going to upsell the 18 Full Color Process Maps. ($197 Value)
Mike hired the best Internet Marketing experts on Process Mapping, Rich Schefrens' Strategic Profits, to produce these process maps based on each DVD... 18 in all.
Mike has decided to move the FREELINE even further and give you access to these for Free too (also VERY limited time)
And to prove that Mike has lost his mind (and has clearly landed on the North Pole of Mars,) he is also giving you is best selling "The Butterfly Marketing Manuscript 2.0" ($97 Value) for Free as well!
So here is a RECAP of what you get Free
- The 7 Figure Secrets Printed and Shipped to you Door
- The 18 Full Color Process Maps- The Butterfly Marketing Manuscript Version 2.0
It just went live for a Limited Time and ONLY while supplies last...
So, if you want to be (one of) THE FIRST TO GET your hands on The 7 Figure Secrets, go NOW to:
To your success,
PS - Let me see. Today is Friday (6/6) and the site just went live yesterday, so make sure to get your copy ASAP shipped to your door because when the pre printed copies are gone, you will not be able to get your hands on this.
Secure your copy here...
Wednesday, June 04, 2008
How to Beat the Recession with eCommerce
How to Beat the Recession with eCommerce
The Worldwide Brands team has been working day in and day out on this launch and the awesome videos that they are giving away absolutely free to anyone who signs up. What an exciting time to be a member of the Worldwide Brands Affiliate Program. As an affiliate, when ever you send someone to the video series and they opt-in to receive the remaining videos, they will add your affiliate id onto anything that they send out. So all you have to do is direct them to the free, content-rich video series and they'll do all the heavy lifting after that! They will track all the leads you send to them. So register now to receive your seat for the free videos and register to become an affiliate so you can beat this recession.
Friday, May 30, 2008
The Instant Internet Consultant
It's about time somebody did this!
We all hear that the secret to success in Internet Marketing is to find a good untapped "Niche" and then market to that niche.
Well there is a niche that I've wanted to pursue for some time, but I just didn't feel I knew enough about the subject, or the niche for that matter .................
I received an email a few days ago from one of my mentors, Frank Souza. He's the one who told me about Holly's course. And I was really thrilled to learn that Holly was earning very good money by pursing this niche.
It's no secret, the niche I'm talking about is what we call "brick and mortar" businesses. It's the local flower shop, the dentist, the fast food place... the local mechanic, and almost all of the businesses you find when you drive down the street.
They NEED to be marketing their services over the Internet, but most of them don't have a clue how to do it.
Frank mentioned he was at an Internet marketing conference a few months ago and his friend Stu McLaren was talking about he he helped a local fast food business increase their profits dramatically..... with just a few simple things that they did utilizing the Internet.
Now Holly has tapped that market and she will show YOU how you can be a part of it, even if you've never written a website or set up an autoresponder.
I have known about Holly for awhile now. She has a reputation as an EXCELLENT teacher, and she has a way of making the complex seem simple. I recommend her and her teaching without any reservations at all.... After all, I TOO AM TAKING THE COURSE.
This may not be for everyone, but if you're looking for a business you can start up right away.... and generate money right away... this could be what you have been looking for.
Join me in learning all about this exciting and potentially profitiable niche market .......
Here's to our learning together !!!
Tuesday, May 13, 2008
Ultimate Supertips - a FREE Book
Free Ebook: The greatest viral marketing idea of all time.
Here's another Freebie:
"Make Your Words Sell" is an ebook written about 8 years ago by Ken Evoy and Joe Robson, and it's sold thousands over those 8 years for $29.95. Well, it's now being offfered for free, with no strings attached.
Click Here ===> http://myws.sitesell.com/beachmiser-websales.htmland download your copy.
Trust me, it's not ouf date. It is the definitative work by 2 of the best out there.
And that's not all. My free download page on my Internet Retirement System website has even more. I love giving stuff away.
Tuesday, April 29, 2008
Words to Experience
Want to grow? Take risks.
Want to experience reality? Ask to be judged.
Want to fail? Listen to people who tell you you're not ready
... Paul Myers from his eZine http://www.talkbiznews.com/.
I really like these words, so I thought I post them here. Thanks to Robert Puddy's post in his forum, which is where I got them. Puddy's forum is private, but worthwhile checking out ..... http://www.forumknowhow.com/.
New post in our Beachmiser blog ..... we just got back from Merlefest. Go read about our adventure.
Wednesday, April 16, 2008
The Ultimate Supertips Free Ebook
There's a new Ebook I have just come across which I predict will become very popular. It presents a strategy for selling any type of product using methods which will never become obsolete. Plus an ingenious twist which will send your traffic rocketing.
The Ultimate SuperTip, written by Harvey Segal (Mr SuperTips) is neatly set out, easy to follow, written without hype and not littered with annoying links. And the cost of this book ?
It's free !
Click Here To See How I Get 25-50 Free Visitors To My Website Every Single Day.
And it ends with an amazing idea for making you money from the book itself. I'd rush to get this book now if I were you at:
(yes, that is my affiliate link - a free book with an affiliate link? Read the book to find out why.)
In this short (37 page) - and free - ebook Harvey has managed to include one unique idea after another on a wide variety of topics starting with his controversial stance on search engines and moving on to
- Getting traffic to your site
- Preselling with free ebooks
- Preselling with articles
- Autoresponders and follow up campaigns
- Ad tracking
- Affiliate marketing
- ClickBank
- Viral marketing
- PDF book creation
- Ebook rebranding
- Creating niche sites
- Resale rights
He even throws in an amazing viral idea at the end
A long time ago Harvey wrote another very good book, called 101 Super Tips, which was very popular. Then he thought up another tip, and came out with a new book called 'The Ultimate Supertip' because quite frankly, it was incredible and still is.
Here is the truly amazing thing - if I haven't mentioned it before - the book is free. That's right - you can download it right now without spending a single penny. You will not even be asked for your email address. There is no list to opt-in to. That in itself is incredible.
Harvey is clever. It takes a guy who has been around for awhile to come up with something so basically simple. He claims he makes more money from this one book than his other 8 combined.
'The Ultimate Supertip' tells you exactly how - and why. And on top of that provides you with everything you need to do the same.
Martin Avis, another well respected persona in IM circles, has a testimonial on page 35 of this latest 2008 edition and he sticks by every word. But don't waste your time reading what he thinks, read the rest of the book - especially chapter 5 which, as Harvey puts it, is 'where the magic starts'.
Download it, read every word and profit from it. It's truly the ultimate: http://shagmiser.com/recommends/virtualsupertips.html
Incidentally, even if you are not an Internet marketer you can make money from this book. On page 30 Harvey tells how one of his affiliates makes $600 per month with no website, no blog, no subscriber list - nothing.
Don't 'do it later' - download your free copy of 'The Ultimate Supertip' right now and read it right away. You won't regret it.
http://shagmiser.com/recommends/virtualsupertips.html - I have; that's why I am telling you about it now.
Tuesday, April 08, 2008
New Extreme Website Conversion Software Promises 40% More Sales!
So ... what is Virtual Smart Agent and how can it benefit you?
This technology is so new ... it almost looks like science fiction! Virtual Smart Agent, or VSA, is the world's FIRST stand-alone Virtual Sales Agent enables you to put an automated chat solution on your website WITHOUT having to pay someone else for the service...
Want to see how it works? Click on the picture, then either "go back" or try to exit, and you'll see what I'm talking about. It is so cool - and you'll see the power of the marketing abilities built into this package. But come back to this post to learn more ........
The creator of this marvelous piece of software is a well known and very well respected software developer named Dave Guindon.
However, Dave didn't just stop with creating an automated chat system, he also made it BETTER than anything else out there, by making it possible for you to train your virtual agent, split-test the results, and even build your opt-in list on autopilot!
This technological masterpiece has already been PROVEN to boost sales by up to 40%, and the marketers who manage to get their hands on it are going to be at a huge competitive advantage.
Not only does it boost sales, but it can also build your list on autopilot, and even increase your affiliate commissions.
It's basically like having your own virtual "employee" that never sleeps. It just keeps working for you and building your business 24/7 with no breaks.
You see, Dave is also an experienced online marketer as well as an advanced software developer. So he knows how to deliver quality products along with how to use the products to your advantage.
Not many product owners even attempt to over-deliver as much as Dave does!
Here is a short list of the powerful features this software provides:
- Increase your website conversions up to 20-40% in a little as 2 weeks!
- Dramatically reduce your shopping cart abandonment.
- Instantly increase the value of each website visitor.
- Improve your website visitor's experience (builds trust and repeat business).
- Increase your customer loyalty and overall satisfaction.
- Quickly grow a highly responsive opt-in list of interested prospects.
- Reduce labor costs.
- Save time by reducing questions and support requests.
- Up-sell or cross-sell similar and/or additional products to boost your revenue.
- Find out WHY customers are leaving your site.
- One installation works on ALL your websites... boost your entire business!
- Builds your opt-in list on autopilot!
- Auto follow-up emails to your web visitors after they leave your chats!
- And a lot more ...
Dave Guindon offers an unbelievable LIFETIME money back guarantee!
So you basically have nothing to lose ... and everything to gain.
Thanks for Reading, and be sure to read all about the Virtual Smart Agent.
Dick "The Shagmiser" Hale
Monday, March 31, 2008
What are Affiliate Sales?
I'm keeping this post short, but if you want to ask Joel a question, click here:
Or check his blog at:
Interensting Tidbit - from Martin Avis
Today is the anniversary of the day the Eiffel Tower was inaugurated in Paris - on March 31st, 1899. It contains 18038 pieces of iron, all held together by 2.5 million rivets. Every 7 years the whole thing has to be painted to keep it from rusting, using 60 tons of paint! Gustav Eiffel, the man who designed it, also designed the internal framework inside the Statue of Liberty.
Thursday, March 27, 2008
Famous Doctor Secretly Listens in as Top 25 Internet Marketing Millionaires Try to Keep Best Secrets Away from You!
A gentleman named Dr. Mark DeBrincat has at least 25 of the Web's richest millionaires shaking in their Berluti's (that's a $1,830 pair of men's shoes, by the way, in case you didn't already know!)
Why? Simple ...
Dr. Mark had the "privilege" of getting a "sneak peek" insider scoop at 25 of the World's top Internet marketers' collection of best-kept secrets - "secrets" that enable these same millionaires to remain in first-place over everybody else trying to earn a living online.
If you are like the majority of us (yours truly included) you should be appalled by the idea that a small group of "Internet elitists" (less than 0.0034% of all online marketers) are hoarding a collection of strategies, secrets, techniques, tricks and even "marketing weapons" that allow them to control 99.997% of the Web's wealth.
Get it Now - Get It Here ===>>>> Dr. Mark's 25 Top Guru's EBookThis even blows away the widely accepted "80/20 rule" we're all familiar with that usually implies that 20% of the people control or possess 80% of the money.
So, what's Dr. Mark got his hands on?
The ANSWER: Dr. Mark has compiled a collection of 53 of the best-kept secrets from among the aforementioned 25 Internet experts (millionaires!)
Get it Now - Get It Here ===>>>> Dr. Mark's 25 Top Guru's EBookEach of the 53 secrets is actually a fully-definitive report providing specific detailed instructions showing you exactly how to better-perform in such things as 1. Email marketing, 2. Internet marketing, 3. Advertising, 4. Free promotions, 5. Press releases, and 6. More effective copywriting, etc.
But don't think by any means that just because you recognize one or more of these categories and that you may be familiar with them to some degree that you already know what Dr. Mark has.
That would be the BIGGEST mistake you could possibly make ever!
It's similar to two people who both take karate: one's a beginner while the other is a 7th degree black belt. While both are karate practitioners who study the exact same styles and moves, there is clearly a broad gap (even a canyon!) between their respective skill levels.
Get it Now - Get It Here ===>>>> Dr. Mark's 25 Top Guru's EBookLikewise, just because you may be doing email marketing to some extent, it doesn't mean that you know "email marketing" like the one Internet expert (from among the 25 Internet experts) who's making $60 million a year online from just email marketing alone!
Or, like one of the other experts (again from the 25 Internet experts) who's making over $180 million a year using just 1-paged websites that contain no graphics, and nothing fancy, yet which churn out cash by the ton daily.
How are they doing his?
That's the "meat and potatoes" found inside Dr. Mark's newly released "25 Internet Experts."
And although all the topics are the same as those discussed generally and openly online among Internet and affiliate marketers alike, the chief differences are the exact details outlining what these experts are doing that's perhaps just a degree or two off from the mainstream (and that's making all the difference in the World!)
What's got these same 25 top gurus so worried s that since Dr. Mark is making his info collection readily available, their worried that the massive wealth they now control may quickly fall into other people's hands (including YOURS!)
If you'd like more information about Dr. Mark's work, you can go here and get a better idea of exactly what he's offering:
Get it Now - Get It Here ===>>>> Dr. Mark's 25 Top Guru's EBook
Wednesday, March 19, 2008
So You Wanna Build a Website!
I’ve got a special treat for you, and it’s not something new I just ran across. It’s a product that’s been around for quite awhile (in internet terms), has a very successful track record, and actually works.
Of course, it isn't that new products shouldn’t be considered. It’s just that many of the products that have been around for a while are still top of their class and deserve to be acknowledged as such. Indeed, with new people joining the online marketing community every day, it is vital that they be informed about the tried and tested products before they rush off and potentially waste their money on the latest fads.
One such old favorite is XSitePro. I’m an old time member.
XSitePro is a program that helps you build websites. It was designed from the ground up by Internet marketers, for Internet marketers and incorporates many features that you won't
find in site building software elsewhere.
Best of all, it is dead easy to use. There is a comprehensive tutorial that will have you up and running with the program in under an hour - and building top quality websites not long after.
The program was built to have a short learning curve - but that isn't to say it isn't amazingly powerful. It is. It is just that its power is easy to access and simple to apply.
I wish that could be said of a lot of programs out there!
If you want to build a website - or many websites - but don't want to go to the fuss of learning HTML, or spending days or weeks getting to grips with Dreamweaver, or FrontPage, then XSitePro could be the answer to your web building dreams.
OK – I’ve said my piece. And you’re probably not yet ready to do anything, so just bookmark this post, and when you ARE ready, bring it back up and check out XSitePro.
Thanks for Listening,
PS – Even if you’re not ready, XSitePro has an affiliate program. SO – if you know of anyone that has expressed a desire to build on the internet, either forward this post on, or join their affiliate program yourself, and update the hyperlinks to use your affiliate code in your own email or blog.
Friday, March 14, 2008
New Twist on a Solid Keyword Tool
Check it Out.
To bring you up to date, I am still working on my new series about how to register a domain name. But after seeing Martin Avis's video, I think I'll hold off. His really does it all, and it really is pretty good and informative.
Check it Out.
That's it for now. Last time I mentioned the Neil Shearing IM 101 book. You can download it for free.
Check it Out.
Tuesday, March 11, 2008
Neil Shearing's Got a Cool Book Out
It's 101 mini articles all about all facets of Internet Marketing, and best of all, it's:
- All-Original
- All Quality Info
- Totally Free! (To Read)
- Totally Free! (To Give Away At Your Site)
- Totally Free! (To Give Away To Your Friends)
- Totally Free! (To Give Away As A Bonus)
- Totally Free! (To Reprint Articles At A Site)
- Totally Free! (To Reprint Articles In An Ezine)
So how do I get it you ask? Easy! Go to my Internet Retirement System's FREE Download Page and click on the download page for Neil's book. I've got more free downloads on the same page, but his book is pretty easy to find.
To better describe the book, let me put it in Neil's own words:
"I've written hundreds of short, sharp mini-articles for my weekly newsletter, and people love them.
"I'm often asked for an easy to download collection of my articles...
...and now I've finally got around to putting 101 of my best mini-articles together!
"I've made it freely available because I think this information can really help you make a success of your online business... hopefully you'll want to pass it on to friends and it can help them too :-)
Find out how good this power-packed ebook is, and how you can make money by giving it away, by downloading it now!"
Tuesday, March 04, 2008
Are You a N.E.W.B.I.E.?
Does this sound at all like you?
B.ecause the
E.hausts my brain!!
If that is the case, then like millions of others you suffer from a classic case of the NEWBIE syndrome. My friend and mentor, Joel Therien, has just released a new home study course and boot camp where he has revealed how he built up both of his companies into Multi MILLIONdollar residual income businesses.
Joel, as an underground marketer, has built 2 online businesses that gross millions of dollars in residual income.
Now he is sharing HOW he did it! These are some of the most advanced techniques I have ever seen!
Visit A to Z Millions, my Knowledge Building Landing Site, and let Joel and his team show you the "newbie" ropes firsthand.
This is a great site for people who lack the skills to develop a truly successful business online, and want to do something about it. The education from this site is top notch!
Remember, it's the A to Z Millions knowledge base you need to get your butt in gear, to get started, and to actually start making money on the internet.
I am also highlighting Joel's new course offering at my main site, the Internet Retirement System, so check it out.
Monday, February 18, 2008
New Updated Site Just Released
I've been doing some website and database maintenance for our amigos over at the Dallas Dinner Table, which is now slated for March 19th this year. If you'd like to know more about this very worthwhile organization, read all about it at our newly updated website, the Dallas Dinner table.Com.
And where would I be if I didn't mention at least one promotional item. Actually, I've talked about it before (on my Beachmiser Blog), and it has to do with not letting your brain atrophy and wither away. It must be exercised, to delay the onset of Alzheimer's and just plain old mental laziness. What's the old adage, use it or lose it? Well use it, and we've found a site to help you do just that. it's called My Brain Trainer. Check it out.
Saturday, January 26, 2008
Lady Doc Gets Death Threats for Revealing TOP SECRET Fat Loss Secret to General Public
A lady doctor from Arizona has blown the lid off the best-kept secret in weight loss ever discovered -- and this has the whole diet food and drug industries turned upside down and in nothing less than a torrential uproar.
Her name is Dr Suzanne Gudakunst, and she's marching to the beat of a different drum.
And no, nothing about her "secret" is difficult -- nor does it require that you do something completely out of the ordinary or anything unnatural.
Instead, the Arizonian boasts proudly "...this is something that I caught onto just before 2002 when there was so much research and exploration going around concerning the human colon and digestive system working in harmony with nutritional absorption, and I started doing independent studies just to test things at first ... but which I later expanded on after seeing some fantastic results."
This same woman medical practitioner went on to accurately determine a definitive correlation between harmful plague and parasitic infestations of the human bowel tract, and people suffering chronic obesity -- and who despite intense diet and exercise appeared to be unable to lose any weight whatsoever.
Over the course of six years the Arizona doctor developed a number of natural treatments for the removal of these same harmful, even life-threatening plaques and rapidly reproducing digestive parasites -- and when applied to even worse-case patients suffering extreme obesity (98% of which were in immediate danger of dying) she saw a 100% effectiveness and success rate.
She then borrowed from her research on the severely obese, and applied the same strategies on milder cases of overweight persons -- only to find the same effectiveness and quality results as described above (although the individual weight loss per subject wasn't nearly as much as those obese patients 100 lbs to 200 lbs or more overweight).
So powerful is her secret that she's able to reverse diabetes, rid illness altogether in people suffering from cancer (linked directly to poor diet and overweight factors), as well as an elimination of an entire spectrum of serious and otherwise life-threatening diseases.
Nearly 100% of all her case subjects were told in the alternative by "conventional doctors" that they either had just months or years to live, or they would never live a life anything resembling remotely a "normal" existence -- yet after applying Dr Suzanne's treatments saw a complete contradiction to others doctors' prognoses.
Again, nothing about her secret is unnatural or requires someone to do any major action or modification in their lives.
In fact, her entire treatment is based completely on built-into-nature 'protection agents' scattered throughout the world in the form of select herbs, extracts, and organic constituents, and which can be found in a variety of plants -- but when combined in specific combinations and carefully chosen amounts make for a solution to what is perhaps the world's worst ever plague: OBESITY (and the illnesses and diseases resulting from it -- or at least severely aggravated or exacerbated by it).
Now to everyone else's great gain, whether suffering from just a few extra pounds and inches, to those extremely fat and overweight, this brave, bold lady doctor is releasing to the general public her secret for forever destroying the tight unrelenting closed-fist of obesity's stronghold over the now more than 40% of Americans labeled obese, and others worldwide.
But she's not promising any of us for how long.
Some experts and sociologists suggest that in the bigger scheme of things, the world will never tolerate a discovery of such magnitude, any more than it would be realistic to expect a car that runs on water (even if very real) to ever become commercially available to the general public for day-to-day use.
One well-respected and famous diet & wellness author wrote years ago that if anyone ever "truly unlocked the keys to permanent fat loss, they may actually suffer the same fate as JFK."
It is currently available at:
=> http://viralurl.com/beachmiser/DocSuzanneDiet
...so you may want to head on over there now and get it and before someone or "something" gets it forever yanked out of ever getting in YOUR hand at least.
It's in a very easily readable format and is quickly and readily understood and mastered by anyone with even a 4th grade reading level.
While you're there, why not scroll down and review for yourself the huge successes others are now having with this incredible breakthrough in rapid, massive weight loss and extremely improved and enhanced health, now made freely available to the rest of us?
-Dick & Sally
Friday, January 25, 2008
Sterling Valentine and Suitcase Coaching
Liz Tomey, one of my coaches, and one very sharp lady, is not only promoting this program for Sterling, she is also going to be attending the coaching workshop herself. So she not only talks the talk, she really does walk the walk. Plus, she is throwing in some good bonuses if you register through her link:
I just heard from Liz that she just got done talking with Sterling and he reported that there aren't very many spots left in this group either, so if you're going to get in, now is the time...http://www.sixfiguresuitecase.com/
He's also throwing in a few more bonuses. Like the audios from the Big Seminar, and a 30 minute one-on-one consultation with him after you complete the coaching. This will really jump start putting this system into play for you. Sterling has really gone above and beyond with this, and I can't wait to learn this system with you. Yes, along with Liz, I'm in this coaching group too! I'll be learning with you!
Liz has also thrown in some bonuses of her own. You can see them at
Yes, they are big time bonuses, but she truly believes that anyone taking this coaching can succeed, so she wants to do her part too. So, act fast now! Head over to http://www.sixfiguresuitcase.com/ right now and grab your spot...
To your success...
Dick "The Shagmiser" Hale
Friday, January 18, 2008
ViralURL Takes Off
Whether you are promoting other people’s products or promoting your own products - that doesn’t matter because after all it is nothing but your own business and your means to earn good money. So whichever be your case, I am sure you would not want to leave money on the table and invite others to steal your share of profit.
Even though the industry of affiliate marketing is pretty competitive but if you are cautious and are strategic in your marketing techniques then, it could be very profitable for you.
Take a close look at the industry, you will see that not every one who gets into affiliate marketing is successful. People who are doing well leave no room for failure and take all security measures and understand its importance.
Yes! Security is one of the key factors in affiliate marketing. If you do not adopt proper security measures, then your business will be at high risk. One of the most important way to restore security is to protect your affiliate links. Do not take them for granted. A bit of carelessness on your part in regards to affiliate links may cost you a lot of dollars.
Do you know the long complicated links that you send to your prospective customers not only look convoluted but they can create a lot of problems too! If you send such an affiliate link to your customers, then the smart ones will definitely figure out that you are promoting someone else’s product and they would rather visit the parent company. Also, if your link does not function then your customers have to type a really long URL into the browser, which will definitely put him or her off.
You could be a victim of even a worse situation. What if some devious Internet pirates steal your affiliate links and replace them with theirs. If they do that, then you get no commission at all.
Did I scare you off with all of the above possibilities? Well, that certainly wasn’t my intention. I just wanted to open your eyes and state facts that actually happen in the world of Internet. It happened with me until I came across ViralURL , that brought a revolution to my online ventures.
So, if you are not getting the desired results out of your affiliate marketing,don’t lose hope. There’s definitely a remedy to this problem and that is ViralURL.com
Do I hear you asking, what is it and how can it help in averting any adverse situation for an affiliate marketer like me?Be patient and read on, if you love your business.
ViralURL is a link cloaker that protects you in the truest sense. There may be many unethical people lurking around, who might play with your affiliate links by cutting them off or replacing them with their own etc. How much effort you put in towards building your business and advertising your business, if your links are tampered with, then all your hard work will be rendered useless.
In order to avoid such a rip off, ViralURL gives you full protection and sees to it that your affiliate links never get exposed to others.
So save yourself from getting ripped. Get all the commissions to your account that you rightfully deserve. All this is made possible by ViralURL.com
It is a blessing for every affiliate marketer like you and me, who wants to achieve success in their endeavor.
Is ViralURL limited to only link protection?
It does much much more than that. Let’s see what ViralURL can do for us:
- ViralURL helps us in protecting commission.
- ViralURL helps in building mailing lists.
- ViralURL helps in tracking statistics.
- ViralURL helps in earning extra ad credits.
In short, ViralURL allows us to create massive business leverage.I don’t see any negative aspect associated with ViralURL. All you have to do is join it for free, then cloak your links, promote them and see your business soaring higher and higher.
You can get all detailed information about the program from the site
www.ViralURL.com . There, you can find several unsolicited testimonials from various users of ViralURL. So if you want to protect your business and see your earnings grow, try ViralURL. You have nothing to lose with it.Thursday, January 10, 2008
Completely New Venture
OK - I am starting some new ed courses on SEO, blogging, video capture, and other internet marketing related topics here, like right away. As I learn new things I can pass along, I'll do so right here. So get yourself an RSS feed to this blog so you'll know when I do post.
'Nuff for now - I'm off to learn more (and more, and more .........).