Thursday, December 10, 2009

Be SMART in 2010

OK, here we go again, looking out for the near future. One of my IM teachers just came out with some pretty good stuff for 2010, and I just thought I'd share it with you:

"With 2010 almost upon us, it is time to set out our goals for the coming year - but make sure the goals you set for yourself are really SMART ones.

"SMART goals are the only kind that you should set for yourself. SMART is an acronym for
  • Specific
  • Measurable
  • Action-oriented
  • Realistic
  • Timely.
"Briefly, that means that every goal you set yourself should be measured against that list of concepts.

"If the goal isn't specific, you won't know if you've hit it. 'Be more successful' is too vague. Instead, define what success means in the area you have chosen.

"Unless a goal has a measurable result it is just a wish. 'Make more money' isn't measurable. 'Make $100,000 by January 1st' is very measurable - on January 2nd you'll know for sure!

"Actions are far more effective than aims. For example, 'Impress the boss' is an aim, 'Get to work an hour early three times a week' is an action. Actions are things we can do.

"Realistic simply means that you set your goals a little in front of where you are now. We can all achieve one step ahead at a time, but ten steps in one go may be unrealistic. That's not to say that you won't ultimately reach the tenth step, just that the journey should be broken into realistic stages.

"Timely has two meanings. First your goal should have a specific time limit to ensure that your subconscious brain knows to get on with it. Second, your goals should be possible in the time that you have available. For example, one of your goals may be to learn the piano, but do you really have the hour a day necessary for lessons and practice? If not, then set an intermediate goal of freeing up some spare time.

"So take a hard look at your goals for 2010. Are they SMART?"

My thanks to Martin Avis for these words of wisdom.

That's it for today - nothing to sell and (unfortunately) nothing to give away. Maybe next time?


Friday, December 04, 2009

Let's Save Money on Gas

I am gonna talk about Money Makers TV in a bit, but first some tidbits you can use.

Here are 5 ways to use less gasoline:
1. Limit "short hops." Instead, go to all your "short hop" places on a single trip, saving time and extra gas.
2. Don't speed - duh. Every 5 mph over 60 wastes about 20 cents per gallon.
3. Have a soft foot. Every time you hit the gas or brake hard, you waste energy. Steady does it.
4. Maintain your car. Tires properly inflated, clean oil, clear filters, all that stuff. You knew that, right?
5. Get that extra junk out of your trunk. Extra weight means lousy mileage, so remove what you really don't need.

OK - let's talk about Money Maker TV. Showing you the nuts and bolts of IM.

I just recently got access to a newly launched phenom called Money Maker TV, an online TV station on the Internet for Internet Marketers. Whoa!

OMG - was I impressed. Sarah Staar and Dave Ingram, professional videographers, have built an online TV platform. They interviewed all types of successful Internet marketers, posted them, and continue to add more. The interface that they designed and had built themselves is truly professional. But don't let me wax on about this too much. You've got to see it for yourself.

Besides, Sarah explains it a whole lot better than I ever could.

So, carry it away, Sarah:
Money Maker TV.

To Your Success,

Saturday, November 07, 2009

eBay Fortune - the Definitive Guide to Auction Riches

I just bought a book from a guy I can really identify with.
His name is Tom Barnes, and he's in my "old guy" group.
You see, he's a 45 year old eBay vet, and he's been one of the top eBay powersellers for at least the last 10 years.

Tom has written a book that is perfect for those of you wanting to earn some serious extra income using probably second or third largest search engine in the world - eBay. And you can do most of it on automatic.

One of the most important things I've learned over the years is that to be successful, you've got to emulate other successful people and the systems and strategies that made them successful. Tom is one of those people.

Using Tom's book, you can do exactly that. He really lays it out, step-by-step.

You need no technical and computer skills!
You need no start-up capital!
You need no knowledge about designing websites!

By following Tom's system, you can set up your eBay business and be up and running in about a day (my estimate, not his).

Here's a direct quote from Tom:

"Whether you're a complete eBay beginner of no experience, or an eBay veteran who thought you knew-it-all, I promise you this guide will change your eBay experience forever (and your bank account too!)"

He is going to teach you the method he has perfected over the past 10 years, the method that has made him an eBay powerseller. In fact, using Tom's own words:

"I’ve literally gone through ten years of blood, sweat, and tears on eBay to bring you this guide."

So I'm going to jump on my copy and follow Tom's lead.
And I suggest you do the same. It's a big pool out there,
and there's plenty of room for everybody.

eBay Fortune - the Definitive Roadmap to Auction Riches.


PS: If you act now, Tom is also including a couple of really cool bonuses
you have got to check out.

PPS: He also includes so much more, like his list of suppliers,
tools, and resources he himself uses on a daily basis. And some of the best insiders tricks and techniques I've never heard of.

eBay Fortune - the Definitive Roadmap to Auction Riches.

One more tip - recommendation - before I sign off. My friend Olga in the Miami Beach / Surfside area has a really cool unisex salon you ned to know about if you're ever there. It's called Hair and Body New Dimensions, so go check it out if you're anywhere around there.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

We can ALL Profit from PLR

I'll be the first to admit, I'm a little rusty on PLR. It's been awhile. And why I got away from it, I'll never know. Grass is greener oncept I guess. But just to get my head back in the game, I went ahead and got Martin Avis's Ebook, "Unlock the Secrets of Private Label Ebooks." It's a very good book, written about, what, 3 years ago? But PLR is PLR, and the basics don't change. And has Martin himself has said, "I have always said that PLR is the nearest thing to magic - someone else does all the work, while you make all the money."

But as good as it is, we've found a guy who actually goes a step or 2 further. And his name is John Thornhill. He's created a system that is completely repeatable, in step-by-step form. Just watch the video on John's sales page to understand what I'm talking about (if you can understand his strange accent, by the way).

Profit from PLR is an amazingly complete, large package. There are 2 PDF files, 35 videos, and a 20 minute audio that go into complete detail about how to make money from PLR. Everything you would ever need to know.

This is good stuff, but I know how it is ..... you want to read some more copy, and cogitate over it a bit more. Private Label Resale, although not fool proof, is pretty close to it. And if you're on the fence a bit, I can tell you it is absolutely the most complete course on how to make a constant stream of money pretty much automatically - from OPW's - other people's work.

Go ahead and click on the sales page, if for nothing else but to hear John's accent:

As yes, Virginia, that's a Clickbank affiliate link. Ugly, isn't it?
Let's try this one - see how much more professional it looks?

If you want to know how I do this, disguise my affiliate link, let me know. I'm thinking about doing a video on this, so I need to see how much interest there may be out there.

That's it for now - TTFN - we'll talk again.

Tuesday, October 06, 2009

Have you looked at CPA yet – as a viable alternative to PPC and/or Affiliate Sales?

If you want another simple but very effective way of marketing WITHOUT having to sell way to do that is through CPA networks.

This stands for Cost-Per-Action or Cost-Per-Acquisition.

And what that really means is that advertisers are willing to pay you top dollar simply for sending them traffic or generating leads.

Now, the leads could be a zip code, an e-mail address, their mailing address... anything. But, the important thing is that it doesn't need to be a sale!

All you do is get targeted visitors - cheaply - and send them to an offer. You will then get paid a commission for every lead...

If you really think about it, you can be called a "traffic broker" - you buy traffic from one place for a price...
...let's say it's from Adwords at 30 cents per click...

And let's say a CPA offer pays you $3.00 per lead. Not all traffic you send will convert into a lead...

Let's say 1 out of 4 visitors fill out your CPA offer. So you pay $1.20 to make $3.00 giving you a profit of $1.80

This may seen like an insignificant amount, BUT if you find something that consistently converts like this example, you've struck gold!

Now spend 100 times the amount for traffic $120, you'll make $180 ($300-$120)...

NOW... increase advertising by ten times and you'll profit $1800!
And this is only one CPA offer!

And you can duplicate this same process with another offer... and then another...

And I didn't even mention about the offers paying $30+ dollars per lead!
CPA offers are becoming the biggest, most talked about subject right now.

Check this out now:

But to do this, you have to work though what's called CPA Networks. Just like Clickbank is the middleman between publishers and affiliates.

But one of the biggest problems is that CPA Networks don't accept just anyone into their fold. You have to prove to them that you know what you're doing. And that's where Chris's program comes into play. He tells you exactly how to go about getting accepted into the "best of the best," even if you are totally new to CPA.

So do yourself a favor, and dig into CPA, CPA Networks, and CPA Arbitrage.

To our Mutual Success,

BTW - Some more points worth considering:
* Up to 300% commissions, selling other people's products
* Trade traffic for profit
* $191k from ClickBank in just 2 years and then turned his back on it!
* 7,000 - 8,000 new names & e-mails each and every day...
* Ongoing sales and commissions - on autopilot
* WITHOUT having to sell anything
* Advertisers pay you for sending them leads.
* You're really being shown how to become a traffic broker
* Mulitple campaigns, duplicate and replicate to make as much as you want/need
* CPA offers are becoming the biggest, most talked about subject right now.

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

We need a way to check out new Scams

I just wanted to post a short entry to tell you about a cool new site called IM Report Card.

It's a new community that's updated daily with reviews of popular Internet marketing products, services and people.

Wondering if that product or service you're thinking of buying is worth it? Now you can find out before you buy.

You can also grade products you're familiar with, report scams, add comments and write your own reviews, and even
>> earn money just for participating <<

If you're like most people you've probably already bought or have experience with dozens of the products, services and people already reviewed on the site. If you grade and comment on them you could easily earn some cash right now.

Check it out and see what you think ...
If we all just make a little effort we can make it a lot harder for the promoters of crappy products to do business online, and shine the spotlight on those that deserve it.

I really like this site. Check it out to see if it fits with your IM goals.

TTFN - we'll talk again.

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Can you name the group in this dance video from the late 50's?

If you think you know, post a blog comment with your answer/WAG.

In the meantime, it's Fall SOS here @the beach, so there's a lot of dancing already going on, just not as frenetic. But a lot of the steps you see in this video were actually a precursor to today's Shag. If you listen to the words, you'll hear him say something about "shag on down to the ???."

I've got an interesting post on my other blog about 25 things about to become extinct in America. You need to take a look see.

That's if for now - so post your guess in the comments below, and let us know how you're doing.

TTFN - Dick

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Advise as I grow Old

Because we all have both ups and downs as we progress through life, and because my sister-in-law is struggling with cancer treatments, my Mom is struggling with some pretty severe arthritis and back pain, and we're all struggling with the economic downturn, I started thinking about things and life in general, overall.

And I found an article that was written By Regina Brett, 90 years old, of The Plain Dealer, Cleveland, Ohio. I am repeating it here because it not only gave me pause, but also because it gave me something to really think about, and I wanted to pass it along, and maybe preserve it. My thanks to my friend Ethel for passing this along.

Regina writes ..............................

"To celebrate growing older, I once wrote the 45 lessons life taught me. It is the most-requested column I've ever written. My odometer rolled over to 90 in August, so here is the column once more:

1. Life isn't fair, but it's still good.

2. When in doubt, just take the next small step.

3. Life is too short to waste time hating anyone...

4. Your job won't take care of you when you are sick. Your friends and parents will. Stay in touch.

5. Pay off your credit cards every month.

6. You don't have to win every argument. Agree to disagree.

7. Cry with someone. It's more healing than crying alone.

8. It's OK to get angry with God. He can take it.

9. Save for retirement starting with your first pay check.

10. When it comes to chocolate, resistance is futile.

11. Make peace with your past so it won't screw up the present.

12. It's OK to let your children see you cry.

13. Don't compare your life to others. You have no idea what their journey is all about.

14. If a relationship has to be a secret, you shouldn't be in it.

15. Everything can change in the blink of an eye, but don't worry; God never blinks.

16. Take a deep breath. It calms the mind.

17. Get rid of anything that isn't useful, beautiful or joyful.

18. Whatever doesn't kill you really does make you stronger.

19. It's never too late to have a happy childhood, but the second one is up to you and no one else.

20. When it comes to going after what you love in life, don't take no for an answer.

21. Burn the candles, use the nice sheets, wear the fancy lingerie; don't save it for a special occasion. Today is special.

22. Over prepare, then go with the flow.

23. Be eccentric now; don't wait for old age to wear purple.

24. The most important sex organ is the brain.

25. No one is in charge of your happiness but you.

26. Frame every so-called disaster with these words 'In five years, will this matter?'

27. Always choose life.

28. Forgive everyone and everything.

29. What other people think of you is none of your business.

30. Time heals almost everything; give it time.

31. However good or bad a situation is, it will change.

32. Don't take yourself so seriously; no one else does.

33. Believe in miracles.

34. God loves you because of who God is, not because of anything you did or didn't do.

35. Don't audit life. Show up and make the most of it now.

36. Growing old beats the alternative -- dying young.

37. Your children get only one childhood.

38. All that truly matters in the end is that you loved.

39. Get outside every day. Miracles are waiting everywhere.

40. If we all threw our problems in a pile and saw everyone else's, we'd grab ours back.

41. Envy is a waste of time. You already have all you need.

42. The best is yet to come.

43. No matter how you feel, get up, dress up and show up.

44. Yield.

45. Life isn't tied with a bow, but it's still a gift."

Make a comment, show all of us your favorites.
We'll talk again ................

Friday, July 10, 2009

This Gives New Meaning to "The Money is in Your List"

It's about quiting time, and I'm sitting here writing this for you all.
Oooh, that G&T is sounding good right about now.

But before I get to my worldly pleasures, I just had to tell you all
about this new program that's recently launched. It's called Mammoth List Extreme.

Sometimes, something comes along that I think is absolutely outta site.
It combines opp chains with list building with money making opportunity.

How much do you spend every month advertising
your business opportunity? $50? $100? $200 or

What if I could show you a simple, yet powerful
system that builds your list so big, so fast,
that you will never ever have to pay someone
else for advertising again?

If you had 100,000 known buyers and income
seekers on your personal list of subscribers,
why would you ever need or want to pay someone
to advertise to their list? You wouldn't would
you? In fact, you could then charge other people
to advertise to YOUR list.

You can't possibly be more skeptical than I was
when I heard about this. But I'm sold now and I
just want to share this with as many other
fellow netrepreneurs as I can.

Not only will you be able to rapidly build a
huge list but each person joining your list is
going to PAY YOU just to be on your list.

Did you get that?

This is not just a super list builder. It's an
automated cash machine. Like your own ATM
machine that keeps on spitting out money in
front of you.

This killer system only costs a One-Time $35.
Don't just sit there. Go get started right this

Click Here >>>> Mammoth List Extreme

Wishing You Success,

Monday, July 06, 2009

Did you get Filsaime's BFM?

Did you get a copy of Mike Filsaime's Butterfly Marketing?

Have you been digging into your copy of the Butterfly Marketing home study course and

When your box arrived, you should have seen the BFM manuscript, the 7 Figure Secrets book,and the 10CD set.

I love those audios by the way! I listen to them and get new ideas every time.

Anyway, I wanted to make another recommendation to you.

As you may have heard me say before, the BFM software is not the easiest thing to get up and running.

There are just so many options and features it can be difficult to get your mind around all of the possibilities.

There are excellent training videos included in the members community, but I know of some one else who is teaching it differently.

Bob The Teacher has created over 30 BFM sites, and he's always created them as simply as possible (no advanced customization or plugins, etc.)

He's currently teaching a live virtual workshop on how to get your first BFM site up and running - building your list and making sales.

If you're the kind of person that likes to learn in an interactive environment, where you can get your questions answered by someone else who has "been there, done that", then I highly recommend you learn from Bob.

There's no doubt in my mind that you can learn BFM on your own - if you have a lot of time and patience.

But if you want to learn it faster, this is definitely the way to go:

You can learn from the first half of the course instantly - and then pick up the second half in subsequent editions. In the meantime, there's an active members community of everyone in the course - included as part of the training!

Overall, Bob's created over 30 sites with the software, and he's streamlined the installation process to under 30 minutes.

And he's giving away step-by-step videos to show you exactly how he does it so you can do it to.

You'll also get to listen in to a fantastic interview Bob did with Mike - about the persuasion principles that are at work in most Butterfly sites.

BTW: MySQL, FTP, and all that stuff may seem like a foreign language to you now. But Bob has a great way of making it all super simple.

I've decided to take the course with Bob The Teacher on how to convert an existing product or resell rights package over to a BFM site.

And since Bob has launched over 30 BFM sites already, I can tell you that learning from his experience is really shortening my learning curve!

In fact, in just the first couple of sessions, I've already installed my script, integrated my autoresponder system, set up my payment processor (so I can take credit card payments online), and put the first pieces of my affiliate program together.

I'm so excited about how fast I'm putting these pieces together I had to tell you about it, too.

When you get the site, you'll be offered a free intro course first - you definitely want to grab that so you can tell how simple Bob makes things. Then make sure you register for the course.

I'm inside it already, and I'm hoping to see you in the members area soon, too!

Let's go kick some BFM butt, and take names.

TTFN - Dick

Thursday, July 02, 2009

Become a Blogger the Right Way

No! We're not talking about Tom Wolfe here. Even though he did do it "The Right Way," what I'm talking about here is learning how to blog, the right way.

And there are 2 guys out there who know exactly how to help you do just that. Yaro Starak and Gideon Shalwick. They just re-opened their "Ultimate Step-by-Step Video Guide to Becoming a Successful Blogger, without the Complicated Geek-Talk."

Unfortunately, I haven't been paying attention, and I've just discovered they are closing the doors (again) this Friday, July 3rd at Midnight, EST. And today's Thursday, July 2nd as I write this. So, we don't have much time. Why we? Because I plan on joining you in this course. I was there for the first go-around, and it was (and is) excellent. This is the premium version, but I'll let them explain the whole thing.

Click here to learn more about this offer from Gideon and Yaro

If you've ever wanted to start your own blog, but had no idea how to go about it, this is the course for you. If you know how to set up and start a blog, but have no idea how to make any money from it, this is the course for you. If you've already got a blog and have monetized it, but have no idea how to promote it, then this is the course for you. Our boys cover the entire gamut from A to Z.

But before you jump in with both feet, check out their creds by taking their FREE video course first. That way you'll get a feel for how best they can help you, and it's a great intro to the main course. Click here to take the FREE Video Blogging Course.

And one more freebie I almost forgot to mention. They've published a FREE Roadmap course that goes hand-in-hand with the free video course. Click here to get their "Roadmap to Become a Blogger" Report. In fact, I'd do this first just to see what all the hoopla's all about. You will not be disappointed.

OK - another bright spot on the horizon, and it is also a freebie. That Shoe Money Guy has just released a free 12 week email course specifically for Internet newbies, and I just wanted to tell you about it. This is just an FYI - so go check it out for yourself. It's worth a look see if you're still trying to figure out how to get started.
Click here to look at Jeremy Schoemaker's (his real name) 12 week Internet Marketing Course.

That's it for this edition. Take care, and I'll post again whenever I've got something to share.

Friday, June 12, 2009

New Slots are becoming available 6/15

That's right! Jim Daniels is reopening his coaching program for a very limited time June 15th.

Yo! You All! You have got to check this out.

When I signed up for the new "Jim Daniels Coaching" Membership Tutorial site (now that's a mouthful), I was only really doing it to check out how Jim had put it together.

The Jim Daniels Coaching Program

I mean, I already "know" how to generate income off the Internet, right?

And I DID already know a lot of the stuff in the videos he's got posted so far. Internet Marketing fundamentals haven't changed since early 2001. But then I dared myself to really look at his tutorials and money making ideas, and SHAME ON ME!

I KNOW what I'm supposed to be doing, but marketing distractions, putting out fires, plain old procrastination, you know the drill...

But now, thanks to Jim's membership site, I have a fully blown tutorial and checklist that I can use to help me generate even more income.

The Jim Daniels Coaching Program

Plus, I can even use it the next time I start a new project, so I'm not ever ashamed again when I get called out for my Internet Marketing "expertise."

Check it out here - there are 198 videos in the Gold Members area alone to tell you the whole scoop.

The Jim Daniels Coaching Program

Unfortunately, there's a catch. Jim had already closed the doors on his first launch. But they reopen on Monday 6/15/2009, and you can get on the launch list here:

The Jim Daniels Coaching Program

This is very much worth your time.

P.S. Even if you think know Internet Marketing and all the nuts and bolts thereof, I dare you to check this out, and challenge you! If you think you already know it all (even though you think you know better) - you should call Jim and ask if you can mentor him. :)

The Jim Daniels Coaching Program

Tuesday, June 09, 2009

Well, I've posted another article on my ever expanding Internet Retirement site, and I wanted to let you all know about it. It's a short read, and you can get to it by clicking HERE.

Briefly, it's all about quality coaching, and how you can go about getting it for yourself.

On another front, Frank Kern's at it again with a new video. Seems as if he tried to sneak into John Reese's house (that's the intro silly stuff he's know for), but the real meaty, serious stuff is really worth watching. Watch the Kern Video.

I am still in the process of revamping my Internet Retirement System site, but it's taking awhile, so hang in there. I really want to focus on recurring passive income, income that keeps on coming in month after month, automatically. As a preview, I want to concentrate on affiliate programs that highlight memberships that offer income streams a recurring basis. It's gonna be cool, so be on the lookout.

If you want advance notification, just sign up for my opt-in list on the home page.

Dave Lakhani, Mark Ling, and a few others are some up and coming IM'ers I am following closely right now. Stay Tuned!

TTFN - Dick

Monday, June 01, 2009

You're already making these SEO mistakes - I did.

Yo! You All! You have got to check this out.

When I signed up for StomperNet's new free "7 Deadly SEO Mistakes" course, I was only really doing it to check out how StomperNet had put it together.

I mean, I already "know" SEO, right?

And I DID already know a lot of the stuff in the reports and videos they've sent so far. SEO fundamentals haven't changed since the 90's. But then I dared myself to check my sites for these mistakes anyway, and SHAME ON ME!

I KNOW what I'm supposed to be doing, but marketing distractions, putting out fires, plain old procrastination, you know the drill...

But now, thanks to StomperNet's course, I have a handy-dandy checklist that I can use to fix each site right up.

Plus, I can even use it the next time I start a new site, so I'm not ever ashamed again when I get called out for my SEO.

Check it out here - there's a free video just to tell you the whole scoop, and then you can sign up and start getting the course immediately after.

Very much worth your time.

P.S. Even if you know SEO, I dare you to check this out, and challenge you! If you aren't making ONE of these mistakes (even though you think you know better) - you should call StomperNet and ask if there's a faculty opening. :)

Tuesday, May 05, 2009

Spring SOS Safari Parade

It was a balm like springy day, just right for a parade:

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Birthday Bonus Club - an MLM that works

Just imagine - you wake up and it's Your Birthday!

You get up, switch on your PC and check your mail - and there are thousands of emails from friends who have sent you cash!

It's not a dream - it really can happen!

With the Birthday Bonus Club (BBC)

BBC is a matrix - and we're proud of it! Because we are a matrix with some very BIG differences
* It costs you nothing to join - BBC is completely free!
* There are no monthly fees - ever.
* There are no upgrade fees
* We don't sell anything
* ..and - you will never be asked to buy anything

Upline & Downline.
We just ask you to agree to a simple request. When asked to do so, you agree to donate an amount of $2.00 to $5.00 to another member on his or her Birthday.

The members to whom you will donate will be
* Your upline - a maximum of nine people
* The first level of your personal network - a maximum of three people

If you are asked to donate the maximum amount ($5.00) then BBC will never cost you more than $60.00 per year - in return, you could receive a Birthday Bonus of more than $140,000 !

How does that work ?

When you sign up with BBC you'll want to tell your friends about it - after all, who wouldn't want the chance of making a huge Birthday Bonus each year. You need only invite three friends and these are the people who form the basis of your personal network. You will be asked to donate to their Birthday Bonus's - as they will donate to yours.

When your friends invite their friends, those people will form the second level of your network and that can continue down to nine levels. If you are able to create a full 3 x 9 network there will be 29,523 people in your personal network. If each of those members send you the maximum of $5.00 on your Birthday, your Birthday Bonus will be $147,000.

.and there's another BONUS!

For every Dollar that you donate to another member's Birthday Bonus, Birthday Bonus Club will credit your Personal Advertising Account with $1.00! You can advertise what you like - except porn - or you can exchange your Advertising Credits for cash!

You can sign up with BBC here or find out more about the workings of Birthday Bonus Club here

This is a really cool program, and it works.

So come join me and I'll help you celebrate your birthday when it rolls around.

TTFN - Dick!

Friday, April 24, 2009

Here's What's Happening

John Reese is about to open to the world. This has been long awaited and should be interesting. To get started, there's a really good video about Affiliate Marketing right there on the site. Just Opt-in, and it's free. Excellent video.

Jim Daniels has quietly opened up his new coaching program for his subscribers. If you weren't a subscriber, you probably missed out.

This is the weekend for the Frank Kerns Mass Control 2.0 teaching conference out in San Diego. If you had purchased his MC2, you were invited to attend on his dime. I couldn't make it, but it is going to be a fun session. I just wish I could have made it.

For those of you into SEO, Google-1st is really taking off. It's a package program from Michael Green. In fact, I plan to combine what I learn in Jim Daniels Coaching program with Google-1st to put out some traffic driven money making sites. Well, it's the plan anyway.

Here's some other things you can take advantage of right now, sure to put dinero in your dungarees:

### 20 Ways to Make $100 Per Day Online - sounds cheesy I know, but it is packed full of real money making ideas from people who make a whole bunch more than that. For the ideas they put forth, the price is more than worth it:

### Bamboozle Bob's Outrageous Sales Secrets - uh huh! I know how tripe that sounds, but believe me, the tips and techniques Bob shares are totally white hat, and work. They're really just very clever sales strategies and tactics:

### Easy Video Producer - the first main product from the folks over at Kiosk.WS, since they've moved into their new San Antonio digs. EVP is a combination video producing site and MLM. Weird idea, I know. But it works because you can make your own videos to communicate with your down line, invite friends to parties, sing Happy Birthday to your grandmother, whatever.
And it's free to join - what a deal.

### Exit Splash - Dave Guindon has just released his latest product called Exit Splash. This one's a no brainer for keeping people on your site, making it even more sticky. Dave's put out a lot of cool Internet products over the last few years, but this may be his best yet. He tries to help you capture "Exit Traffic," those people who try to click away from your site too early. Too Kewl!

### More Money 365 - I've recently posted a review of Dan Vaughn's new program, More Money 365. It's reseller program worth checking out. Read the review, you'll see what I mean:

### The Online Income System - if you know about Clickbank, then you know that it's one of the most lucrative affiliate programs around. You can earn as much as a 75% commission on a lot of its products. But navigating, finding out what to promote, setting up your lead capture page, and all those niggley details can be daunting. Well, Kimberly Hoffman has solved that problem. She's produced an ebook that is a beginner's guide to making money from Clickbank.

If you're new to IM, affiliate marketing is a good place to start, Clickbank is the best place to find affiliate products, and Kimberly's ebook can show you how, step by step. The only problem? It's priced to low:

That's all I've got for now - but that's a lot. So curl up with one of these products and burn that midnight oil, and learn some new things. In these recessionary times of a failing economy, we all need to learn how to make those few extra bucks.

TTFN, and we'll see you next time.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

The Quick Income Blueprint

I've known of Paul Walker for quite awhile now, and I've always respected his products. He puts out quality stuff at very reasonable prices. And his latest offering is no exception.

It's aimed squarly at newbies. And it hits the mark. There are 7 "blueprints (or PDF's) in the package that go through the seven strategies. And, there are videos to go with them. Me? I'd rather watch a video to get a sense of the strategy than read about it - so this approach works well for me.

These are not step-by-step receipes, but instead are working overviews of very practical methods to make money as quickly as possible without any up front out-of-pocket. So if you're a newbie then this could be the package you've been looking for. Experienced internet marketers probably already know this stuff.

Here's a hint to save $10 on this package: close (or try to) the sales page, and one of those pop-ups will come up asking you to >>>>>Wait Wait <<<<< (you know the ones) and press OK or Cancel. Hit Cancel and the guy/girl help box will come up with a "Click Here" that, when clicked, drops the price by $10. Very cool - and makes this an even better bargain. At least it did when I did it.

Also, there's a raft of surprise bonuses you'll discover once you buy the product, easily worth the price. I can't disclose them here, that's why they are a surprise.

If you've been looking for a way to get started, and have been looking for a blueprint type strategy to do just that, I highly recommend Paul Walker's Quick Income Blueprint.

httpL//dickhale/recommends/quickincomeblueprint .

I think you owe it to yourself to check this product out, espcially if you're looking for some new strategies to make money on the internet. And, you really cannot loose because it's sold through Clickbank with a 60 day money back guarantee. Forget the hype on the sales page - this one's a keeper.


Did you see the review in my previous about More Money 365? Another good product.
It's a 100% commission program. It don't get better than that.


I'm off to the beach. You can catch up with me there. So ..................
TTFN - and good fortune hunting.
Dick Hale

Friday, April 10, 2009

MoreMoney365 Reseller Program Review

I've just had a chance to review Dan Vaughn's MoreMoney365 program, and I signed up immediately. Now I want to tell you more about it - in detail.

The MoreMoney365 Reseller Program is a unique 100% recurring monthly commission program developed by Daniel Vaughan, which will make you an unlimited amount of income each month through its unique reselling technique. Inside the members area it also contains thousands of materials to help you make money on the Internet using different online marketing strategies.

If you can resell this program successfully and implement the techniques revealed by MoreMoney365, you can easily make a 4-, 5-, or even a 6-figure income each month.

Let us take a look what the MoreMoney365 Reseller Program has to offer:

The program offers you the exclusive right to sell the MoreMoney365 membership to other Internet users while you get to keep the entire subscription fee, which is $27.00 per month. This means if you get only 10 people subscribe to this program, you will receive $270/month for it.

You do not have to do anything after reselling this product. Site maintenance, content update, customer retention and all other hassles will be taken care of by the site owners. You simply need to relax and enjoy the residual income month after month and year after year.

So, you are probably wondering why people would like to buy MoreMoney365! Well for a monthly subscription of $27.00, each member gets access to thousands of videos revealing money-making techniques using Clickbank, Google AdSense program, affiliate marketing, article marketing, PLR items and so on an so forth. They will also learn different ways of getting free traffic, increasing mailing lists and other Internet marketing techniques. Internet marketers who have made millions on the Internet share their secret money making techniques on MoreMoney365. It also comes with a free 2-week trial period!

You can buy the exclusive reselling right at a one-time fee of $97. You have to hurry to grab this limited-time offer though as this special offer may expire very soon.

Check it out for yourself and let me know what you think...

Here's to our Mutual Succes in Promoting this Program,
Because I know it Works,
Dick Hale

Monday, March 23, 2009

I've Got a Free Mini Course from Michael Rasmussen - FREE

Most Internet marketers understand that having mini sites is the fastest and easiest way to make money online. They don't require a lot of time, energy, or money to set up, and once you've got one up and running, you can sit back and just collect money from all the sales you're making.

At least... that's how it's supposed to be, right?

The truth is that mini sites really ARE easy to setup. They really DON'T require much time, energy, and money to set up. So why is it that so few people actually make money with their mini sites?

The answer is that they never learned how to actually turn their mini site into a profitable money maker that runs completely on autopilot. The good news is...

YOU'RE ABOUT TO LEARN HOW TO DO IT!*************************************************

Here's what this is all about: My colleague (and one of my first mentors) Michael Rasmussen has just released a brand new video course that will walk you through the process of creating a killer mini site from the ground up, and then he'll also teach you how to actually start making money with it right away and into the future.

If you've been looking for help with monetizing your mini sites, then this is exactly what you need. The best part? The videos are FREE! I'll tell you more about that later. First, let's talk about the videos themselves.

If you're in a hurry, you can just check the
videos out right now for free. Here's the URL:


It's important to note that these are online videos that you access from your web browser. Michael uses Camtasia Studio to create these videos, which is the premier software program for creating screen capture tutorials such as these.

The first thing I noticed when I hit the play button on the first video was the incredible production quality. These are NOT your ordinary screen capture videos. In fact, I don't think I've ever seen someone make videos that are this high quality before.

He uses beautifully created graphics to pass his wisdom along to you, and the sound quality is the highest you will ever hear in an Internet marketing product. They sound like they were recorded in a professional studio.

Michael explained to me that he was sick and tired of seeing all the low quality videos out there, and so he set out to create something different in order to raise the bar in our industry. I think that, when you see Mini Site Profits Exposed for yourself, you'll agree that he has succeeded.

Now let's move onto...


Here's a brief summary of each video. Obviously it's impossible to list every single thing here, but I want you to get a feel for what each one covered, and how well it covered it.

If you're in a hurry, you can just check the
videos out right now for free. Here's the URL:


This video introduces you to the entire course, as well as the teacher himself. You'll learn what you can expect from the course, and why it's structured the way it is.

Michael realizes that you may not have heard of him, and so he spends some time establishing his credibility with you by sharing some of his biggest successes. It doesn't come across as bragging at all. Michael explains that, in order for you to get value from the teachings, you need to have faith that the teacher actually knows what he's talking about. By the end of this video, you will have no doubt.

By the way, this is a good lesson for all of us product developers. If you want people to accept you as an authority on any subject, you first need to establish your credibility with the reader. That way he's willing to relax, and trust that what you're telling him is sound advice.


This video will introduce you to the basics of mini site marketing. This will set the foundation that all future learning will rest upon, so it's important to pay close attention to this one.

You'll learn:

* What mini-sites are, and what makes them different from regular content sites.

* Which businesses they work well for… and which ones they don’t.

* The right mindset to have when it comes to creating mini sites as part of your online business strategy.

* And the different tools you need to get started.

This was a great video, and did an excellent job of kicking things off, and building the foundation for the rest of the course.


This is probably one of the most useful videos of the entire course. Every Internet marketer needs to build an email list, but how do you do it? What is the bestway to capture the most opt-ins?

The answer is 'squeeze pages'. This video will teach you:

* Why using a squeeze page is far superior to other opt-in methods.

* The single most important thing you must include at the top of your squeeze page to skyrocket your opt-in rate.

* The secret structure of a squeeze page, and why most marketers get it wrong (which costs them a LOT of money).

* The most important to include in your opt-in process that will make sure that people actually receive your email.

After watching this video, you'll know everything you need to know to start building a massive opt-in list right away. This will probably be the first video that you 'take action' on. You'll be so excited about the possibilities, that I guarantee you'll go and create your own squeeze page right away.


Nothing happens until the sales copy is written. Graphics alone will never sell a product, but sales copy alone WILL. This video begins to demystify the mysterious process of writing words that make people whip out their credit cards and buy.

Specifically, you'll learn:

* Why you need to learn copywriting, even if you “hate to write”

* What a compelling offer looks like, and how to tell the difference.

* How to write an eyeball-grabbing headline that practically forces your readers to go through
your entire page.

* A simple trick you can use in your opening to make your reader want to learn more.

There is no skill that is more important to your success than the ability to write killer sales copy. Make sure you pay extra attention to this video, as well as...


This video dives right into the individual components of a killer sales letter. You'll learn how to create the "secret structure" of a mini site sales letter that makes big money. Specifically, you'll learn:

* How to create captivating body copy that draws your reader into the sales letter.

* Bullets that force your reader to keep reading the whole page, and makes them insanely curious and want to buy your product

* How to take the risk off people's shoulders, so they'll feel safe buying from you.

* How to craft your 'call to action', and get people to whip out their credit cards and buy immediately.

* The secrets of writing a killer P.S. that helps seal the deal, and flip your prospect into a buyer instantly.

This video covered a surprising amount of detail, especially considering that this course is not specifically about copywriting. Michael Rasmussen is definitely someone who over delivers in his educational products.


Unless you want to be chained to your computer, you must learn how to put your mini sites on autopilot.The only thing you should be doing is driving traffic, and letting the site itself do all the work, including the work of instantly delivering the product to the customer.

This video will walk you through the process of automating your product delivery, so you can just relax, and collect the money. The best part is... once you have this automated system set up, you never have to touch it again.


This video is guaranteed to be an eye opener for almost everyone who watches it, even the experienced marketers. Michael dives into some of the most effective 'upselling' techniques that I've ever seen.

Nowhere else on the Internet have I seen such a thorough tutorial on how to increase the 'size' of your orders. You'll learn:

* The psychology of 'upselling', and how to use it make your customer spend even more money with you. The best part? He'll think it was his idea!

* The absolute best time to upsell your customer. This one will surprise you when you realize how much money you've been leaving on the table by skipping this step.

* 5 simple techniques to increase your profit by up to 100%.

If you've already got a mini site that's up and running, this video will make a big difference for you right away. Use any of these 'plug and profit' strategies to increase your income literally overnight!


If there's one thing I've noticed that all successful marketers have in common, it's that they have a great affiliate program. They create a program that allows other people to make good money by promoting their products, and they get to just sit back and relax,while everyone else is doing the hard work of promoting FOR them.

If you've ever dreamed of having an army of motivated sales people working hard to make you money, then you're going to love this video. Michael will teach you:

* What an affiliate program is, and how to set one upvery quickly.

* Exactly what tools you need to give your affiliates (most people miss the mark here, so pay extra attention to this part).

* Why merely having an affiliate program is NOT enough to convince people to sign up, and what you can doinstead to have people eagerly trying to become one of your affiliates.

* How to motivate affiliates to sell for you.


Let's face it... it's not enough to explain what you should do. You also need to know what mistakes you should avoid. Michael has already made these costly mistakes, but you don't have to. You'll learn:

- Why people do judge a book by its cover... and how to capitalize on that for your mini-site

- The single biggest reason people don’t buy from a mini site, and how you can apply this 'instant fix'.

- The single biggest thing that will kill your mini-site (it's not what you think, and making this mistake is a surefire way to drain money from your bank account FAST!)

- Two list building mistakes that’ll cripple your long-term profits.


This video will walk you through the process of designing a product line that will make you a TON of money. There's a lot more to it than you'd think, which is why this important concept (which was taken from direct marketing) gets it's own video.

After watching this video, you'll understand why you can't just have a single front end product, and you'll know exactly what to do in order to get your customer to keep buying more and more expensive products from you... completely on autopilot!

This video is a MUST for any serious marketer who wants to make a lot of money from their online business.


The title of this video says it all. You'll learn all of Michael's secrets for getting top notch freelancers to help you create your mini site empire in record time.

Let's face it, you can't be an expert at everything that mini sites require. For example, it's really tough to be a top notch graphic designer, while also mastering HTML, and then becoming a killer copywriter, on top of also creating the product itself.

And the list goes on and on. If you want to be efficient, and begin making money as fast as possible, outsourcing is the secret to making it happen. This video will show you exactly what to do, as well as some common (and very expensive) pitfalls to avoid.


Let's face it... it doesn't matter how great your mini site is if you don't get any traffic coming to it. Getting traffic can be one of the most confusing and mysterious parts of making money online IF you don't get the proper education.

Thankfully, Michael really dives in, and gives you a lightning fast education in this area.

Specifically, you'll learn:

* How to use Pay Per Click (PPC) advertising to get targeted traffic fast.

* 3 ways to get targeted traffic without spending adime.

* 2 ways to leverage the experience and contacts of other people to explode your traffic.

* 3 traffic strategies to avoid like the plague!

By the time you're done with this video, you'll know what to do right away to begin driving targeted visitors to your mini site.

Wow, you get all those videos for free? Click
here to check out the Mini Site Profits Exposed
course for yourself:


Mini Site Profits Exposed comes with 12 videos, and has more content than most 300 dollar home study courses. And did I mention that it's free?

If you decide that you want to continue your education, and get the biggest possible advantage, you can also upgrade to the deluxe course for a small fee. The deluxe course contains four full-length videos that each cover one advanced topic in great detail.

Here's a breakdown of each video:


This deluxe video could easily be a whole course in itself. It walks you though the entire process of setting up a back end that is completely automated using an autoresponder system.

You'll learn how to set up your autoresponder to automatically remove a person from your prospect list after he buys, and then insert him into your customer list. This is where your new autoresponder sequence will start promoting your back end products automatically.

Bottom line... if you want to make the big bucks like all the Internet marketing gurus, you need to create a back end that works hard for you while you're outcreating new mini sites and developing new products. This video will show you how.


In this deluxe video, Michael will walk you through some of his best tactics for growing a massive list from your mini site. He'll not only teach you what to add to your mini site, but he'll also show you what you must REMOVE from your mini site in order to get the most possible subscribers.

Building a list is about SO much more than just offering a free newsletter. In fact, Michael shows you five different things you can offer your readers toget them to instantly give you their name and email.

You'll also learn the best places to actually put the opt-in email form on your mini site. You'll also learn about pop ups and tell-a-friend scripts, as well as a bunch of other incredible tactics for growing your list.

I have a hunch that you'll find yourself referring to this video over and over again.

When you think about all the stuff' you can do to drive traffic to your site, it's hard to know what you should focus on first. This video will walk you through the four most important marketing activities you can do to drive traffic to your mini site.

Once you master these four, you'll never have to wonder what you should do when you start a new mini site. You'll have an easy-to-follow road map for driving tons of targeted prospects to your site, so you can begin making money ASAP!


In this final deluxe video, Michael will reveal his best kept secrets for squeezing maximum profit out of any mini site. These are techniques that you have NOT seen before, so you'll want to pay extra close attention to this one.

Think about it... if you're going to put the time in,and set up a mini site the proper way (like Michael shows you in these videos), then it only makes sense that you'd want to make the most amount of money possible from it.

In this video, you'll learn:

- How changing one sentence on your mini site could double your profits easily.

- How to instantly increase the dollar amount of your average order (which puts more money into your pocket).

- The one thing you must add to your 'download' page that will instantly increase your income (with no extra work, once this thing is put into place).

- How to turn your actual product into a money making machine!


Whew! That was a lot of information, and I hope it helped you decide to check out Michael Rasmussen's Mini Site Profits Exposed video course. Remember the course is absolutely free, so you have nothing to lose.

Michael believes that it's important for him to prove himself to you before he ever asks you to buy anything from him. He wants to show you that he will deliver you the absolute best education available anywhere, and he'll gladly do it for free... just to win you over!

So go ahead and check out Mini Site Profits Exposed right now, and see what all the fuss is about. I highly recommend that you upgrade to the deluxe course as well. Here's the URL:

Dick Hale

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Affiliate Marketing, Ewen Chia, 100 Bucks a Day

There are several very well known affiliate marketeers out there, most notable being Rosalind Gardner and especially Ewen Chia, who has just published a new book, "How I Made My First Million on the Internet." This book is a must buy for anyone serious about making money through affiliate marketing on the Internet. This guy has been there and done that. Look it up on Amazon.Com, or click this link to get your own copy.:
How I Made My First Million on the Internet and How You Can Too!: The Complete Insider's Guide to Making Millions with Your Internet Business

Changing Subjects .......
Yesterday I bought a book that is so good that I can't wait to tell you about it. I thought about phoning you, but I wanted to warn you first so you can check it out - it really is that good!

There is no question that we are in bad economic times, and no question that many people are feeling the pinch. I've been saying for ages that Internet marketing is the solution: it provides people with the opportunity to make money - either in their spare time, or even full time. You can make anything from a few extra dollars to help make ends meet, right up to big enough bucks to make your day job irrelevant (and all the worries that go with it).

The problem is that 'Internet marketing' is such a blanket term that the first big barrier is 'what IS Internet marketing then?'Unless you know what you are trying to do - which aspect of online marketing you want to concentrate on - you'll fall at the first fence.

The book I bought is called '20 Ways to Make $100 Per Day Online'.

It has been written by a group of highly respected people who make a lot more than that!
This group of experts - including Dr. Mani, Case Stevens, Kenth Nasstrom, Patrick Pretty, Bev Clement, David Schwartz, AnneMarie Callan, Michael Badger, Jim and Doris McKiel, Jeremy Estes, Michelle Brouse, Michael Savoie, Jack Bastide, Gary Knuckles, Willie Crawford, Thea Swafford, Scott and Sharlene Raven and Daniel Taylor - is made up of men and women from all over the world. They are making a mint online, in all kinds of different ways. Each one devotes an entire chapter to tell you, in great detail, just how to get started in their particular branch of online marketing.

And how with a little effort, you can easily make $100 a day profit for yourself.
There is no fluff whatsoever. The book has 247 pages and is packed with real 'take it to the bank' information.

I am learning a lot from reading it - and now intend to print it out and go through it with a highlighter pen. There is so much good information in here.

The book has been on sale for about a year, I believe, but I've only just stumbled across it. I wish I had found it when it first came out, but better late than never.

Normally I like to tell you if a book or product is best suited to beginners or more experienced Internet marketers, but this one is suitable for everyone.

Beginners will get a great overview of twenty of the very best ways to do online marketing, while experienced people will get great tips and an insight into other areas that they haven't worked in yet.

'20 Ways to Make $100 Per Day Online' is worth a bundle and could have easily sold for ten times the asking price (and I mean easily). But instead it has been priced very, very low so that everyone can afford it.

See for yourself at

One More Thing .......... (and it's FREE)
OK - just one more thing and I'll be done for this post. I've got a special treat just for you, a free bonus video series called "Money from Thin Air," also by Ewen. Start with the Quickstart PDF, read that, then go HERE to view the series. This is a really cool video series that can help you make some quick bucks if you follow his advise.

TTFN - Dick

Thursday, March 05, 2009

Two New Things are Going On Right Now

That's right. 2 new things, and both are very hot.

The first is the new brainchild of Joel Therian over at It's called Easy Video Producer and the previous blog has a sample of a video I made using the product. In fact, it's probaby playing right now. It's all internet based, and is super easy to use, especially as it can help you build a list very easily. It really is worthwhile checking out:

Did I say if was free to signup and use?

The second? Ann Seig has finally released the much anticipated follow-up to her "7 Great Lies of Network Marketing. It's called the "Attraction Marketer's Manifesto" and it's ready for you to download, now, and it's free. This is no affiliate link, or marketing doo-dah link, just a way to get you your copy:

Now here's some useful tidbits about popups.

DANGER: If You Still Use General-Purpose PopUp Scripts NOT Made For Use With Mailing Lists, You Are Losing Big Traffic and Big Money!

We all know how important building an opt-in list is to your success online. The majority of visitors to your sales letter don't purchase on their first visit, so you are losing them forever.

Popups to the rescue! A popup is a smaller window that appears on a sales page where you convince a visitor to opt-in to your newsletter so you can contact them later with a special offer. If they buy from your sales page right away, great! If not, you can remind them to come back at a later date.

* Problem: Popups and newsletter forms on sales pages decrease conversion rates.
To fix the situation, Robert Plank Has Invented the Action PopUp. Action PopUps appear when your visitor is about to leave your site using special mouse-tracking technology. From now on your popups won't distract the user from your page, they'll only appear to bring them back when they are about to leave.
Action Popup Is The First And Only Exit-Popover Script Designed For Opt-In Forms!

* The popup is unblockable since it uses HTML layers instead of actual pop-up windows.

* A lightbox effect dims the screen behind the popup to prevent them from being distracted by what you have underneath... and eager to fill out the popup form so they can get back to what they were doing!

* The popup will appear after every visit, but once they subscribe to your list... no more popups!

* Use any autoresponder code you want - even Aweber!

* This script runs 100% on YOUR SERVER so you aren't dependent on any other sites, plus you don't have to pay a monthly fee.

Check it out here:

That's it for now - I just wanted my readers to be aware of these 2 brand new releases.

Friday, February 20, 2009

Easy Video Producer

Just wanted you all to know about this, just launched, internet video product.
It is really facinating, plus the product itself is free.

Go Here:

Friday, January 30, 2009

PLR Pro - Project Green Button

PLR Pro's new Project Green Button is one of the coolest content site building tools I've ever come across. I was able to build a complete information laden site about Golf Clubs in about 30 minutes, including full keywords, relevant articles, site mapes, the works. Check it out:

I also built 2 other sites, one about Diamonds, and another about Magic. They took a little longer, but only because I was learning PGB as I went, sort of fumbling around. But hey, if I can do this, so can you. PLR Pro is THE BEST PLR membership on the net, and their Project Green Button only makes it better.

If you are interesed in evaluating PLR Pro for yourself, click here >>>> PLR Pro <<<<<. And pay attention to their Project Green Button. If it ain't the slickest thing you've seen lately, then I don't know what is.

The Worlds #1 PLR Content Membership
- PLRPro

Now that your eyes have glazed over, you are probably wondering what PLR is all about. Well, if you've stuck it out and read this far, I've got a free e_book for you that explains all about PLR, which actually stands for Private Label Resale. Get your free ebook by clicking HERE.

Using PLR's is a great way to earn some extra income, while letting someone else do all the work. They write the book, you sell it. What could be better. So check out this PLR process by downloading this free e-book, the PLR Process.

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

FOCUS is the Name of the Game

James Grandstaff was kind enough to use one of my blog comments to his post recently:
"James, one of the hardest things for IM beginners to do is focus. It’s like a candy store out there when you first get started, and we’re always rushing off to try the newest thing without completing and following through on the last thing. So a “How to Focus” and get things done, one step at a time, I think would be useful for beginners. And me."

Well, he had a very succinct and worthy answer, and I'd like to share it you right here:

But it's hard to focus when you keep procrastinating. To that end, read my previous post:

Now that you're thoroughly cross-eyed with all that reading, go pop a cold one, and we'll see you all next time. And pop one for me!

Dick - TTFN - Check the Latest

Wednesday, January 07, 2009

Let's start 2009 off right

You know, as we kick off 2009, there's something that I feel I must talk about. It's call procrastination, and it was my biggest downfall in 2008. And I want to "kick the habit" so to speak in 2009. Why put off tomorrow what you can do the day after seemed to be my philosphy. And it seemed to work, in that I didn't get a whole bunch done in 2008. As my bank account can attest.

I seemed to get up in the morning with lots of good intentions. I had a mental list of the things I wanted to get done. I had an image in my mind of the jobs and tasks that I really needed to take action on. But then other things would pop up, things that would take on an importance way beyond what they should have.

I would think, let's check email, then that would lead me off into all sorts of other directions. For every step forward, I was taking 10 back. That's getting something done? Suddenly the day was gone, nothing accomplished, and I'd say, "Well, there's always tomorrow." But then tomorrow's cycle of procrastination would start all over again.

If you’ve nodded your head even once while you've read this, then you are exactly like me. You procrastinate. And unless you stop, you are doomed to stay on the merry-go-round of underachievement forever.

However, I’ve found a program that really helps. I mean really helps.

It is called ‘Habit Busting’ and it can help you tame your procrastination habit in 21 days or less.
I’ve bought it and can vouch for the fact that it is packed with useful advice that will really work. I can’t wait to finish it and put it’s wisdom into practice - this is something I WILL NOT put off!

When you consider how much even being 25% more effective would beworth to you (and I think Habit Busting may well help me to amuch bigger improvement than that) then the very low cost becomes insignificant.

If ever there was a time when investing in yourself was vital toyour financial future this is it, and this is a very smallinvestment for a very big future.
Click here for more information about Habit Busting now!

BTW - this is one of the programs that was on Martin Avis's top 10 list for 2008. That in itself should convince you that this is a program well worth investigating. Or, you can put it off till tomorrow.l

Chow for Now - TTFN, and Goodnight Mrs. Calabash, where ever you are.