Monday, October 22, 2007

How High's the Water, Mama?

Then Johnny Cash would sing, "Well, it's 5 feet high and risin' !" That's how I feel about all the hype and hyperbole going on out the in IM land right now. Everybody's giving all this high flying advise but nobody is giving us the down and dirty details on HOW they get it done, except maybe a few. And Liz Tomey is one of those few, along with Neil Shearing, Jim Daniels, and John Reese. I've posted some earlier comments about these folks before, so I'll let you find the specific ones.

Another lady who is "telling it like it is" is one of my mentors, Ann Seig. You have got to review her free e-book "The 7 Great Lies of Network Marketing" if you're either into MLM's, or are thinking about it. And I've got a free copy for you on my download page - so CIO.

If you haven't been to my companion site, where I talk about the Retirement Red Zone, then head on over to The Internet Retirement System. I am constantly tweaking this thing, so join my (double) opt-in list and keep up with what I'm doing. I advocate programs, systems, and ideas to help keep you afloat (or should I say, indulge in that much needed extra income) in these trying times.

TTFN - and CIO

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