Friday, October 12, 2007

It's TGIF, and Time's a Wastin'

Jim Daniels has a new post out, and it is rather timely. He discusses 2 potential "holes" that might be in your business, and what you might be able to do to patch them up. You can read about it at his BizWeb e-Gazette. And while you're there, reconsider getting his "New Age Work at Home Plan" if you haven't already. This is one book I've really gotten a lot out of, and I highly recommend it to you. However, since you're reading about it here, you need to order it through me from my Digital Shores site so that I'll get the referrals. The report is free, but if you decide on the upsales, I'll get the credit. So there.

My other blog, the Beachmiser Blog, is spouting off about one more Alaskan Cruise video that just got posted. If you've never seen Sitka, Alaska from a kayak, then this is not the video for you. But it is about kayaking in and around the Sitka wilds.

Some of you may know my good friend Blaine. Well, his Dad just passed away the other night, and we'd like to send out our sincerest condolences and fond remembrances to Glen, Blaine and their family, especially his Dad's family and friends. Glen was 98+ when he fell asleep for the final time, and he will be fondly remembered. He was a very unique individual (to say the least) and a person that was just an honor to know. I felt privileged to call him a friend.

Are your taxes done? The automatic extension is up this coming Monday, so if you're a heavy procrastinator like me, don't let this slip by. 'Nuff said.

OK - it's TGIF and almost tea time for a T cubed. Hoist one in memory of Glen, he'd like that!


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